Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The End Time

Recently, through different man of God and even talking to W, all talking about rapture is coming, the judgment of God is coming. I wonder if they have read the bible and understands it.

What I know is when I first start reading this bible, Lord led me to Psalms 47 and from there I saw all nations worshipping Him and He rise in our worship and praises. As I lean to Lord more, especial the recent months, He let me know that He is coming to reign, which in line with what Psalm 47 says; because, it's when more of His Goodness is shown and more people is attracted to Him that all nations will worship and praise Him. Currently, the world have yet to reach such setting, how is Lord going to rapture us in such case, it only means Psalms 47 cannot come to past.

With the lastest talking of what Lord is going to do in Ezekiel 38-39, Revelation 19, and even in Daniel, what I saw is a glorious Lord coming to bless His Children. Glory Glory!

One man of God, whom I enjoyed to listen to his sermons, recently talked about not possible for Lord to reign 1000 years, he said looking at the ground depleting of minerals, the depletion of food and environment, not likely for this earth to last that long.

However, he has forgotten there is a Mighty God, that can even change the dessert into fruitful ground. The bible also talking New Earth and New Heaven. Surely as more come under His covenant, Lord surely can turn things around. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Lord let me to read Revelation 20 and I saw Satan was bound for 1000 years and set free for a short time. I was confused for a moment. When I meditated, Lord revealed the final battle where Israel is surrounded by the enermy is what Satan is being released for. As such, we are heading towards the New Jerusalem and the River of Life in Revelation 21.

As I query Lord for the 1100 years He is leading me, Lord finally revealed to me. You remembered the last judgment on Earth? It was the flooding during Noah's time, that one was after Methuselah lived 969 years (Genesis 5:27). This time round the whole earth will be burnt off by fire. As such, we have to rapture out of this earth to be with Jesus in His Heaven and to live with Him. There won't be any earth anymore!

This 1100 years Lord is judging satan. He promised us a new body, that cannot decay, as such, it's judging all the satanic work in our body and in the environment. He is using us as His Light, to show to the world in Christ, we are young and healthy. Glory Glory!

This is the Light that will radiate out of us when Jesus come. This will surely attract many people to church. With 1100 years, it's enough time to gather many nations to Him. In due time, when I return to Him, this whole earth will get hotter and hotter and finally, it is gone.

What Lord revealed to me sound logical and follow what He has put in His Words. I don't believe about being rapture when currently, a lot of those out there do not know about His Goodness.

Maybe you hope Jesus will pull you out of the shitty situation you face through rapture, but to get off whatever bad encounters in your life, just put the situation on Jesus nail-pierced hand and believe in Him, you have His solution. This will do, no need a rapture to do that. Glory Glory!

Abba Father, I thank You for leading me to Your Truth, Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

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