Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Obedience to Lord

Lord is the same from the Beginning to the End. He is the Aleph Tav. He is a faithful God from Beginning to Eternity. The only difference for man was, He showed His Grace to Abraham. It’s a undeserved, unearned and unmerited Favour that came through the Cross of Lord Jesus!

Beside the Grace, Lord also used Moses to show how His relationship is with us during the Law. You might thought there is no Grace in Law, but Lord provided the burn offering, meal, peace offering, trespass offering and sin offering for atonement meaning for His Grace to flow through during this period.

Then He brought forth Jesus to demonstrate who He is to man. He also led Jesus to show what obedience is.

Lord showed us during Law, Moses disobeyed Him, instead of speak to the Rock (representation of Jesus), he hit the Rock! The end result is Moses was barred from entering the Promised Land just by his One Act of disobedience.

Now you may say under Grace, all the sins are judged in Jesus and we are the Righteousness of God in Christ. Through Christ Jesus, you are in the Seed of Abraham and heir to the world. We have the Spirit leading us, so surely we will get to the blessed life.

But do you remember, Lord gives man freedom, free choice to choose to obey Him or not. Under the Law, Lord by His Spirit was also leading His appointed man. They, David, Moses, Joshua, etc, had Him with them to lead and guide them. Just like us, we now have the Holy Spirit sealed into us, who believe in Jesus.

Does that mean we need not obey Him? If Lord is the same in treating man even under the Law, He do expect us to listen and harken to His Prompting and obey His Command. The same, He would give Grace for us to work out the Commandment. It is not by self-effort. As it is His enablement, the task is light, just as He said, His yoke is light.

Is there any penalty like Moses, being barred from entering the blessing land? Look at the New Testament under the book of Act. Lord had through many men of God, told Paul not to go Jerusalem. Yet, Paul disobeyed and insisted to go no matter what. You might argue that Lord is with him.

Yes, under Grace, Lord is always with us. For the need of His people, Lord would still use any man to bring the message of Grace and Truth across. But look at his Life, is Paul walking in the Heaven on Earth blessed life?

No, he was bounced and brought to Rome and even he did a good fight, he wasn’t walking in the love, joy and peace and the blessing of Abraham. How can a heir of the world be under captured? So, he did not receive the blessing of Abraham. So is obedience important?

The only person that was greatly blessed was King Solomon. But, as he turned to other gods of his many wives, he was led astray. Lord said His blessing is irreversible. Yes, from King Solomon life, you see that. But Jesus, the Wisdom of God has 2 hands. Left hand is Riches and Honour. You might from obeying and trusting Jesus, received the Blessing of Abraham.

However, you can from King Solomon life see that because he moved away from Lord to worship other idols too, Lord did not bless him long life, he only reigned for 40 years. He became a King early in life, if example he started at 20, he only live till 60. So, He did not get the Wisdom of God right hand, which is the length of Days. In Psalm 91:16, Lord said that ‘With long life will I satisfy him and show him My Salvation'! Glory Glory!

So, is obedience to Lord important? It is very important. Lord wants to come in us and come through us to bless the world. If you don’t obey, how is He, who is in you, able to command you to do His Bidding?

He is our Abba Father, yes, He is willing to forget all your mess the moment you turn back to Him again. He will open His Arms and run to you to hug and kisses you when you just have a tiny thought to turn back to Him again. He is just such a loving Father. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

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