Monday, April 11, 2011

Are you Somebody or Nobody?

In this world we are in, from day 1, we learn to be somebody. You can ask any kid, no one wants to be nobody. This world the system goes by judging one using what have you done, how good are you, what have you had?

But come to Jesus, God the Father says that I will do this for you, and I will do that for you. Each of our needs in this world, He sent Jesus to die the death that we need so that we are set freed by His One Act on the Cross.

Lord freed us from chasing under the Sun for the chaff of this world. Glory Glory! Hallelujah! My life was never to be the same again since the first day I stepped into the Kingdom of God in 2006.

Step by Step, at each gazing of the word of Christ, first the sermons of Pastor Prince from 2002 till 2006 and all the different teachers that Lord brought to my presence to teach me different aspect of Him. Each step of my walk is to reveal more of Jesus to me. Each step of my walk is to let go more of me to Him. The more I know about Jesus, the smaller I become. It is a retreat from a proud, self-centred self to submit to the Almighty one.

I didn’t know I am a nobody for a long time. Recently, searching the facebook, I found some of my primary school classmates and this lead me to be added to my junior college group. As I trace some of school mates and classmates to whatever I could recall, I realised there was nothing I could share with them. I had been a nobody for all these years of growing up.

Abba Father is training me from young to accept this post that He is placing me to do. The few years sinking deeply into the words of Christ, walking in the spiritual realm has led me to come very close to the Almighty God, my Abba Father.

Frankly, you asked me how I past these few years, I don’t know. It’s day in day out, morning till night, sinking deep into the words of Christ. It was when I look into my baking things in the cupboard and in the freezer that I realised how time had passed; all the goods expired in 2007! It was late 2010 and early 2011 that I checked on them and 4 big bags of goods had to be cleared and dumped into the bin.

My family still remembered I am good in baking but it was years that I ever baked! I used to bake a lot and give to them to eat! That’s why I had great stocks of all the things needed for baking. They all expired at 2007! I was shocked how time had slipped by when I was deep in the words of Christ! I used to not watch TV, nor read the news, nor listen to radio. The only thing I did was read the bible, meditate the words and listen to sermons and of course, as the Lord leads, blog about it.

The result of staying in the spiritual realm to fellowship with Lord Almighty, My Abba Father, He rise me up slowly, by His Wisdom, He rise me up. Not as me, but as Him. As He rose up in me, slowly, I become a Somebody. The word He speaks, the arguments He delivers, shut up the mouth of the proud and Glorified Jesus! In the process, I become a Somebody that everyone is trying to be, on the Head and not the tail. Glory Glory!

Lord needs a great army in this End Time for His Kingdom purpose! Are you willing to let go of self and let Him come through you to be You or you rather want to be yourself trying to seek some fame under the Sun? His path is much brighter and better. His Yoke is Light! It is His doing, not your striving. Which is better? What you want for your life? Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

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