Thursday, October 2, 2008

Honor Reward

This week, Lord leads me to KCM site to look at this week sermons, host by Jeremy Pearsons and the special guest John Bevere, on ‘Living a Life of Honor brings God’s Reward’. This week sermons greatly open my eyes to the goodness Lord have for my life.

The word Honor flows throughout the bible and in worship songs, we sing about it. What is it all about? When we give God or a person honor, we highly esteem, respect Him/him. We have good opinion of Him/him and take Him/him as someone important. The opposite of honor is dishonor, which means to take God or a person as normal, nothing special.

John Bevere talks about honoring is a principle of Life that God instituted. The authority that a leader or a boss or someone of our superior holds come from God. No matter what this person holding the authority behaves, when we give honor to his authority, we create an opportunity for God to bless us. Praise the Lord!

He talks about in the 1980s, a black guy in the insurance company was due for promotion. His promotion was snatched from him and given to a white guy. He took it as racist decision and intended to sue the company.

That Sunday, his pastor talked about does not take one’s vengeance, let God handle for us instead. His plan had gone down the drain and he went to his pastor. They pray over it and commit the whole issue to God. On that Monday, he went to congrats the new boss and told him that he will be his best employee. He gave honor to the one, who got his promotion. Praise the Lord!

For a number of weeks, nothing happen. Then many weeks later, another insurance company contacted him and wanted to recruit him. Having established a good client base and good benefits, he was not willing to accept the offer and rejected this company. The representatives asked him to consider for a week and to talk to his wife.

He did not discuss with his wife. On the day before the meeting, he told his wife that he was going to up his salary 3 times to scare the offering company off. When they met, the offering company did not see what he wants; instead they showed him what they want to offer him. It was 4 times his salary. When he was still in the shock and too shock to talk, the offering company thought that he was unhappy with their offer and up their offer to him. He told them that as a Christian, he wants to go home to discuss with his wife first.

He and wife prayed about it and Lord revealed that he had committed the issue to God and this was His promotion for him. He finally accepted the offer and a number of years later, he was promoted to hold a regional position! Praise the Lord!

John Bevere has talked a lot about what this honoring people around us, in our work place, at home (to parents, kids) would set up a position for God to greatly bless us. This honoring is especially for those that we think have dishonored us. When we honor them, we position ourselves for Lord to bless us. Praise the Lord!

As I talked to my eldest sis about my soon to come blessing and to lead her closer to Lord, she was telling me about I should pay for the maid that my brother insisted to get for my parents. We(me and Su) were against it but brother went ahead. We had told them we are not going to pay for it. As I learn about this honoring principle, to honor the one who dishonor me, Lord give me the grace to practise it in real life.

This morning, as I am worshiping Him, Lord gives me an idea to pay for the whole 2 year cost of the maid. When I accept the idea to honor this issue and my brother, I have peace and joy in my heart. All the nasty feeling towards the whole disagreement issue goes into thin air with this Grace. Now the song, I see Grace, is playing…

Daddy God, thank You for sending Lord Jesus to die at the Cross for me. Lord Jesus, thank You for willingly went to the Cross and did a Perfected Work on the Cross for me. Holy Spirit, Thank You for being the witness in my life about Completed Work of Jesus. Because of all that Lord Jesus had Done, I could walk in this Love of Yours and honor those that dishonor me. Thank You for being my Rewarder, You creates so much opportunity for me to receive more blessing from You. Praise You, Lord! Praise Your Sweet and Beautiful Name, Lord Jesus Christ! Amen! Amen!

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