Friday, October 24, 2008

The Glory of the Lord

What an amazing day for me today. Lord is so GOOOOOOOD. :D This is how the story starts:

Usually, we gives Jc $1 coin to bring to school for recess, with packed food and drink from home. There were quite many times that she put her purse with her lunch box in the school canteen and went playing with her friends. For many months, there is this someone who would steal her money. As it happened in the canteen, we could not pin point the one stealing. The only way was to get my girl to carry her purse in her pocket. However, at time she forgot and the thief came again. It happened too often to not think if it was from someone Jc knows.

Yesterday, Jc had 30cents in her purse, so I added a S$1 for her recess and another $1 coin for her to get her marker. She had forgotten to put her purse in her pocket again. The thief stole $2 from her, leaving behind the 30 cents. I was kind of fed up with this stealing, but nothing I could do.

Today, I give Jc $1 for her recess and another $1.50 for the marker. During recess, she called me and when I checked with her if she has bought her marker, she told me that she did not have enough money. I was puzzled and she told me her good friend took some of her money because she did not bring any.

As Jc left only 30cents with her, I was wondering how much the girl, Jy has taken. So I called Jy’s mum about wanting to find out how much she borrowed. As this was the 2nd time that Jy has been taking Jc’s money, her mum was pretty upset and went to school to scold her. It was a big hoo har that the form teacher called me up to inform me to complain to school and not the mum. The teacher has told Jy that she is to borrow from teacher and not take from friends.

Her mum, E, questioned her. She told her mum that in school, Jc and another guy classmate, Te borrowed from her too. So the mum was thinking, if everyone did the same, no wonder her girl did it too. The thing is, both Jc and Te did not borrow from others nor Jy, as we give enough money to them.

As Jy dragged Te into the picture, Te’s mum wanted this case to be verified so as to return her son’s innocent. I pray for Lord’s hand to manifest on this situation and plea the blood of Jesus over the 3 kids. I prayed to Lord that through His spirit, they will speak the truth.

Jc used to play daily after school with Jy, so I was wondering how I am going to please this girl. Praise the Lord, He send Su and her 2 sons to me. My nephews were able to play with Jc and she was happy the whole afternoon.

Jy was playing the same trick on her mum again. Months ago, when they were still new in school, Jy had taken Jc’s money and claimed that everyone did the same. At that time, as the kid was new to handle money and don’t know what theirs and not, I could only shut my mouth.

Today, she quoted Jc and Te also borrowed from her, Te’s mum want to verify face to face with Jy. We decided to meet at 5:30pm at the playground. Lord asked Su to go with me and she was to pray in the spirit quietly.

When E asked Jy if Jc has borrowed from her, she looked up and had a fearful expression and shook her head immediately. Then Te and his mum came. Te denied he has borrowed from Jy. When E asked Jy, Jy pondered. However after many ponder, she finally shook her head.

As we were walking home, Su asked Lord why Jy shook her head immediately upon looking at me. Lord told her giants. On further checking with Lord, Lord said He let Jy see the warrior angles that are protecting me. Then Su revealed that after Jy confirmed Jc did not borrow money from her, she stopped praying in the spirit. When Su saw that Jy did not reply her mum on Te, Su started praying in the spirit again. Lord revealed that He then showed Jy the 2 warrior angles again. Praise the Lord!

Jy was the 1st grand daughter of E’s family. Everyone dotes on her that she is not afraid of adult at all. Her mum commented that Jy lied so real that she didn’t know if she was speaking the truth. Lord knows that this little girl is not afraid of adult and have no problem lie her way out. So He let her see the warrior angles. Lord wants to stop her from lying and stealing again. He said that the angles will appear in her vision if she did evil again. Praise the Lord who cares for little one.

Oh yeah, as I put the case onto Lord’s nail-pierced hand after Jc’s call this morning, Lord stopped her from spending away the $2. She spent 40 cents and gave back the rest to Jc. Praise the Lord!

Daddy God, thank You for helping me out on this issue. Without You, I really don’t know how to handle such. Thank You that You are stopping d from using Jy. Hallelujah!!! Praise You, Lord Jesus, for Your Wonderful, Sweet Name!!!

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