Monday, September 16, 2013

Never say Die...

Nick Vujicic had came to Singapore, The Star, to give a talk on the invitation of a Radio Station. Ever since then, I have been looking at some of his video on YouTube and today, I see how Bethany Hamilton, the girl whose arm was bitten off by a 4m shark when she was 13, teaching him how to surf. They both shared about Jesus after they rise up of their problem to stand up for Him!!!

While I was watching, this thought came to me...Lord is using all kinds of people to help Him spread the Gospel, about God so love the world that He sent His Beloved Son to the Cross to die for us, so that through Christ, we would have the Power, the Grace, to Reign through Him!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

It's easy to say I want to be use by God in the pride of self, the BIG 'I'! But to face a situation, a problem and then emerge from the situation to look at Him, He is the one that not 'I' or 'me', is when such situation happen, then one is usable!!! It's not that Lord purposely let us go through it.

It's about He could still use us in our shit as long as we look to Him!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

With my siblings and practically 'husband' went to other girls, and my girl preferred her daddy to me, is this anything new???

No, Lord has been leading me through a lonely life since young. I was middle of the family and I am alone, even in growing up years!!! I would be having much to stay in group of classmates but somehow, it's not time for me to open my mouth!!!

Why Lord need to train me to be a nobody and to be alone? It is so that I could look to Him when He finally led me to Him.

Even in this rising up. As I walk and shared His Glory that is coming through me, even Su that has much faith in Him, was also not patient enough to wait through. When she saw nothing of the Promise, she started saying all that was from the devil. It's amazing that a devil will lead me to keep on meditate and talk to the Lord and to wait upon Him. What a joke!!! Haha...

So you see, one has to let go of the pride before one could be usable! Just look at Nick, with both arms not there, how to be proud in the 'I'? It was when he looked to the Lord and trusted Him could be of use to encourage people that Lord used him and prospered him!!!

Bethany wanted to be use by the Lord and she and her mum were praying just weeks before she was bitten. Now, she trusted Jesus and prayed to Him before surfing! She could see God's Glory shining through her to make her Top in her love of surfing and used it to Glorify Jesus!!! Hallelujah!!! Amen Amen!!!

When everyone around you is going to give a negative report, it is when you look to the Lord, and His Word in the Bible, then you will know that what they say is nothing and what He said about you is something!!! It is when your eyes are in the Lord, then you become usable!!!

Most people no matter what they do, they think of what they can get out of it. But when you look to the Lord, you know it's for Him to use you for His Glory and nothing about what you could benefit from it. It is there and there, your heart will be able to meet with Him and His Hand could rise you up!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

Why Lord use me mightily??? It's all about His GRACE that He had chosen me before I was even born to come for this purpose!!! It's all about Him and nothing about me! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

All of us, everyone of us, each of you, are born for a purpose!!! To know what He is rising you up for? Look to Him and trust in Him and see how He use you!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

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