Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Each week comes and goes so fast. Abba is good! He let me had a chance to participate in the opening of the Star PAC, NCC new building for our church service. Glory Glory! Lord timing is really good!

I didn't know that NCC was told to vacant their occupancy in Rock, Suntec City above Carrefour by the end of the year!!! But Lord knows, he impressed NCC to bid for this land in near Buona Vista MRT in 2007!

It took 5 years to be completed in  25th October 2012 5:55pm, they got their TOP approval! Glory Glory!!! It's all about Grace of Jesus! Amen Amen!!! Who can plan better than Lord, Himself? He knows all things and knows of the things to come and had got everything ready. Hallelujah!!! Amen Amen!!!

I also don't know His Timing but I just purely trusted His Grace is on everything I do. Glory Glory! After sleeping for 11 days, my mum woke up and on the 2nd day of wake up, she was pushed to the normal ward. She got better and more alert on the 3rd day, but I don't know what they did to her that she fallen back to sleepiness.

Lord promised to resurrect her and yesterday, as I was about to start praying in the spirit by her left side of her bed, I saw Lord, a huge white robe in brightness of the light standing at the opposite side of the bed, also stretching His Hand to pray for mum. He leads me in a long prayer and told me mum will be resurrected. Glory to Jesus!!!

After prayer, I could see mum was more alert again. Glory Glory!!! The hospital sent a teenage boy, who was in patches of red and cough and pretty sick to be placed next to her. I was into coughing and brother too, and I prayed to Lord to clear it. Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

Jc is with her daddy for 2 weeks. This will be the 3rd week! She is happy to be with him and feel that coming back is of no choice, because school is starting in January. Under such situation, I could see her heart is not with me anymore. But Lord give me peacefulness, so I am okay with it. After all, daily going to hospital is taking its toll on me. Lord impressed me to buy 100 plus drink to drink a cup daily. It goes helps somewhat! Glory Glory!!!

Life is still normal, I am trusting Jesus to resurrect mum fully. After all, all that she needs already done 2000 years ago by Jesus at the Cross! He proclaimed it is Finished! It is completed! Surely it is Done in the Name of Jesus! Surely, the Name of Jesus is above my mum bedridden and her unsoundness. I claim full recovery by the stripes of Jesus and His Finished Work at the Cross! Glory Glory! Amen Amen!!!

Abba Father, thank You for taking good care of me and my mum. Glory Glory to You. Thank You for leading me in each stage of prayer for my mum. Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

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