Monday, July 11, 2011

The Redemptive Power of the Lord

Many times of my life, I am so grateful to have Jesus, the God Almighty, to be my Saviour. It is so comforting to have Him being the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Glory to His Profound Work at the Cross that whatsoever satan wants to wage his war to decieve His Children of God, we just have to look to Jesus and claim His Finished Work at the Cross and we shall be saved. Glory to Jesus! Amen Amen!

As Lord leads me to know the works of devil and to fight them so as to know the Mightiness of Jesus, it was a wonderful experience. Yes, the process going through it might be pain or sickness, but at the prayer of Jesus, He delivers. I glorify Jesus in His Goodness!!! Amen Amen!

Abba is a good comforter in my heart, at my weakest moment, He come through and delivers. Hallelujah! He knows how far He could let me play and not harm me fully. Actually nothing much to fear, Heaven is a better place in anyway. Just that there are lots of things to do here at the moment. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

I was looking at myself and seeing myself getting fatter then ever and wondered where have all the promise of the Lord gone. Where is the tall, slim and sexy figure that Lord promised me. As I went to church yesterday, Lord told me the answer. Says what you want and it shall be given, do not say what you have for you already have it. Glory Glory! Amen Amen! My hope is back again. Hallelujah!

In the midst of all these training, Lord promised the renewal of youth in the healing ministry. He said man will renew to 40 years and lady will be to 30 years. Each time they attend the healing ministry, their youth will be renewed by a day. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Abba has great plan for this coming year. Everything is well planned. Jesus manifestation will be seen like never before. All demons and satanic forces have to bow down and depart. They will be cast down to the lake of fire forever. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

All My Children of God will be greatly blessed in health and wealth. You look to Jesus and learn more about what He had done for you and I will bring my blessings of Abraham to you. The more you know about Jesus, the greater the wealth of heaven you are inheriting. This free favour will rain down on earth like never before.

My Children of God will be My Light to the darkness in the world. Your beauty, your youthfulness, your wealth, your comfort level will speaks great volumn to the blindness of the people. They will be attracted to come to me. There won't be old age, so don't look to old age sickness, you will not get it. I will prolong the life of my children. You will live healthy and strong till 100 plus. Your wish! Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

The time is near, My Heaven Door is opening. The Floodgates is opening. Surely, whosoever is faithful to Me, learning more and more about Jesus and His Righteousness, will be at the receiving end of this Abraham blessings. I know who is faithful and who is not. As long as you sincerely come in line with My Plan I will bless you greaty. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Time is short, do not wait till you see others getting the reward then you start your gleaning. Move fast! Time is near! Learning about Jesus takes time. It's not by finishing the bible you will automatically know Him. It's a process of unveiling and revealing. I will quicken those whose heart are pure and keen to know Jesus. I will make sure My Plan successfully executed. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

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