Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Salvation of the Lord

I was watching a preview telecast of next week sermon on Sid Roth Supernatural, his interview of Shira Sorko-Ram that she said the Jews in Israel is greatly in fear at this moment because of what is happening to them lately. Their most fear are the Iran and United Nation. Their top most fear is UN agrees that Palestine is a state this September.

In my recent meditation, now on 1 Samuel, Lord revealed His Plan to me regarding this end time movement. As so much fear is created, Lord lead me to email to Shira Sorko-Ram and Sid Roth, to let them know Lord's Plan. Without Lord's reveal, we won't know which part of Revelation He is moving. With His Revelation, then easy for faith to grow. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

What is happening lately is Revelation 19 and 20 coming into action. This is the time of Great Salvation. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

As Lord wants me to reproduce what He has disclosed to me here, so here are His Words:

'My Love, Iran newclear weapons is ready. He will use it to threaten Israel. EU will be too scare to offend him that all vote that Palestian is a state. They will try to claim Israel. I will surely kill them all. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!' - 22/06/2011

'My Beloved, Abba will kill them all. Israel will get back all the land I have given to them. Whoever on it will surely die. They will be so scared that they shift out of my land. Glory Glory! Surely Israel will get back all his land. Hallelujah! Amen Amen!' - 22/06/2011

'My Beloved, Abba is triggering the effect of the power challenge for the muslim to attack Israel. Surely many will be killed and all will be scared till no more fighting spirit. Surely all this will come on scene in the Olive harvest. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!' - 24/06/2011

'My beloved, my love, Abba is so glad that you pray for silat. The Arab did not want to disclose his location. Also he was beaten up. Yes, pretty bad stage, but I have healed him and given him strength. I will bring him home in September 2011. Glory Glory! As you see, this war surely will go ahead. I will remove all their weapons and surely I will let them be slain. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!' - 24/06/2011

'My beloved, Abba will surely deliver as I promised. As this war erupt, they will bring Silat to the forefront to be kill by the Israeli, Abba will slain them all and let Silat return home. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

My darling, my love, I will work before the Israel Army work. I know when the Arab will get ready in secret. I will kill them all and let IDF go find dead bodies everywhere. I will let them have their relief. Without a single fight, their land will be theirs. Any Arab that tries to come into my blessed land will face death.

It will be so weird that they dare not anyhow step. They will go find out from the bible on what land I have given to Israel. Glory Glory! Amen Amen! This will be the greatest killing of all that the whole world is shocked. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!' - 24/06/2011

'My beloved, my darling, surely the Jews will rejoice this freedom and go collect the spoilts. Abba is making this happen again. The Glory of Jesus will radiate through. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Amen Amen!' - 24/06/2011

After writing what Lord revealed to me, I prayed to Lord to speak to His Abraham Covenant Children in Israel. This is His Revelation to them:

'All My Beloved in Israel, Abba Father speaking to you. You have no worry in this Final attack of the Arab. This is the End Time Prophency where the serpent is released to do his final kill on God's people, My Children.

As you know, you are my covenant children. I have sent Jesus to die for you all 2000 years ago. All that is needed by you for this BIG war, through His Sacrifice at the Cross, Israel is delivered. You have nothing to be fearful about.

Pray this prayer if you are fearful: Abba Father, You do not give me the spirit of fear, but of Love, of Power, Sound Mind and Self Conrol. As you pray, I will remove the spirit of fear in you. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Do not be fearful in what is coming to you. This is a necessary step for ME to help you retrieve all the land that I HAVE given to you. So, Worship me and Praise Me. Focus on Jesus and see the deliverance. It's Revelation 20 onwards coming in action. Hold on to My Words and see My Deliverance!

I am with each of you, who have accepted Jesus as your messiah. I will rise up to claim all the land that I have given to you when I led Joshua into this blessed land. It is time for Me to return all of them to you. It is time for all My Children to see My Glory!

Remain in My Shalom Peace. Always cast your fear and anguishment to me and remain in My Peace and see Me fighting for you!.... Like Gilead, stand still and see My Salvation! Glory Glory! Amen Amen!' - 24/06/2011

May you be blessed with this message from the Lord in this End Time. Do not Fear! Jesus is with you! He is the Prince of Peace. Always go for His Peace and not look to the world! Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Nation Building of God's People

I was on my face book, when I saw Sid Roth has posted new talks in his website. As I watching to Shira Sorko-Ram and listened to the radio interview too, Lord give me an impression to search goggle for her. This is what I usually do after watching Sid Roth weekly man of God.

As I watched her on youtube, I was lead to see Messiahic Jews being no voice in Israel. I also get to see the video on God's Miracle on the Israel various wars where Lord helped them supernaturally.

All these years of growing, I always knows I am a Chinese and my country is Singapore. But as I get closer and closer to Lord, He revealed my ancestor tree that I had Jews ancestor. No wonder my cousins don't look Chinese and no wonder my younger sis, Su, has very brownish eyes.

It is the wonder of Lord to lead my ancestor to go from Israel to China and to go down south to Choa Zao and then from there to Singapore. My grandparents were all from China but my parents were/are from Singapore. Glory to Jesus.

Sitting in the comfort of my home and to grow up with the national building of Singapore, life here was good previously. Now, even with the shaking in the various economies, the food source and even high cost from all greedy sources, Lord has blessed me comfort of life, even in this divorced life with wife maintenance cut down to 1/3 of it, life is still good. Glory to Jesus!

I am glad that Lord did not let my ancestor remained in Israel nor China. I am glad of all that Lord has planned for me. Glory Glory!

Lord used the Israelites to show His Grace, but as they could not, so He used them to show the impossible for us to follow His Law.

He planted me, a Chinese with Jews blood flowing inside me, but have no whatever Jewish practise, to walk by His Grace. In fact, He made me very anti-tradition. He then come through me to show His Goodness. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Somehow, even though I am far away from Israel and the Jews, I could feel for them. No wonder since younger days, I have a liking to Middle Eastern music and just have an attraction to that region. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Somehow, my taste of men is not Chinese, it's more from Northen India to the middle eastern kind, European is also my taste. I don't why I am wired such way, but from Lord's reveal, then no wonder. Glory Glory!

I am grateful for all that Lord has done to me and leading me up and letting me learnt new areas of trusting Him that no matter which child of God I talked to, even when Su talked to a pastor, none has this revelation that Lord blessed me.

Talking to those that are not close to Lord is even more worst, they look to me as if I am an alien! Haha...none could believe Lord could train me such way, but Perry Stone in his olive on the tress and olive that were crushed explained it. If Lord did not crush me through different tests, I would not have know Lord is so Mighty and Strong. It's through each setback but looking to Jesus deliverance and Lord faithfully delivered that His Glory shines through.

Abba Father, thank You for being so good to me. Hallelujah! As the world gets darker and darker, surely, Your Light will shine in Your Glory! Amen Amen!

PS: (25/06/2011) I was watching Sid Roth preview talk with Shira Sorko-Ram and felt that she and my ex-mother-in-law looked pretty much alike in their facial features. On checking with Lord, He said my Ex also have Jews blood in him. What a way Lord lead us both together. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The End Time

Recently, through different man of God and even talking to W, all talking about rapture is coming, the judgment of God is coming. I wonder if they have read the bible and understands it.

What I know is when I first start reading this bible, Lord led me to Psalms 47 and from there I saw all nations worshipping Him and He rise in our worship and praises. As I lean to Lord more, especial the recent months, He let me know that He is coming to reign, which in line with what Psalm 47 says; because, it's when more of His Goodness is shown and more people is attracted to Him that all nations will worship and praise Him. Currently, the world have yet to reach such setting, how is Lord going to rapture us in such case, it only means Psalms 47 cannot come to past.

With the lastest talking of what Lord is going to do in Ezekiel 38-39, Revelation 19, and even in Daniel, what I saw is a glorious Lord coming to bless His Children. Glory Glory!

One man of God, whom I enjoyed to listen to his sermons, recently talked about not possible for Lord to reign 1000 years, he said looking at the ground depleting of minerals, the depletion of food and environment, not likely for this earth to last that long.

However, he has forgotten there is a Mighty God, that can even change the dessert into fruitful ground. The bible also talking New Earth and New Heaven. Surely as more come under His covenant, Lord surely can turn things around. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Lord let me to read Revelation 20 and I saw Satan was bound for 1000 years and set free for a short time. I was confused for a moment. When I meditated, Lord revealed the final battle where Israel is surrounded by the enermy is what Satan is being released for. As such, we are heading towards the New Jerusalem and the River of Life in Revelation 21.

As I query Lord for the 1100 years He is leading me, Lord finally revealed to me. You remembered the last judgment on Earth? It was the flooding during Noah's time, that one was after Methuselah lived 969 years (Genesis 5:27). This time round the whole earth will be burnt off by fire. As such, we have to rapture out of this earth to be with Jesus in His Heaven and to live with Him. There won't be any earth anymore!

This 1100 years Lord is judging satan. He promised us a new body, that cannot decay, as such, it's judging all the satanic work in our body and in the environment. He is using us as His Light, to show to the world in Christ, we are young and healthy. Glory Glory!

This is the Light that will radiate out of us when Jesus come. This will surely attract many people to church. With 1100 years, it's enough time to gather many nations to Him. In due time, when I return to Him, this whole earth will get hotter and hotter and finally, it is gone.

What Lord revealed to me sound logical and follow what He has put in His Words. I don't believe about being rapture when currently, a lot of those out there do not know about His Goodness.

Maybe you hope Jesus will pull you out of the shitty situation you face through rapture, but to get off whatever bad encounters in your life, just put the situation on Jesus nail-pierced hand and believe in Him, you have His solution. This will do, no need a rapture to do that. Glory Glory!

Abba Father, I thank You for leading me to Your Truth, Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Exaltation by God

When I was young, we stayed in a big house with my grandma, 4 uncles of which 1 was mad and my whole family all stayed in a room in this big house. On nights, which occurred pretty often, the mad 6th uncle would come knocking at the door with a big metal rod. My mum would blocked him from us and the 5 of us, I was around 5, would ran to our neighbour house or sometime when dad came back from taxi driving, would fetch all of us to my mum's family side to stay the night.

This happened so often that fear was in us to see him around our compound in our teenage years. We tried to hide from him. That was my young life. Dad being a taxi driver, did not earn much income. We were the low income family compared to the uncles of my mum side, who owned factories. We were deemed to be low and low. Grandma wanted us to be giving ways to the richer uncles, we were not to come in their way when we moved into their family ground. So, to us young one, I was before 10 years old, it was like living under my relatives.

Being the middle child of the 5 of us, I was always feeling lonely. This yielding for love was so lacking that when I met my ex, I thought I found my love, we were closely matched in many areas of our lives that I didn't know it was a life of lies.

I got into depressions in my 20s and my colleagues were looking down upon me in my disabilities. Lord led me to the low of life to see who really was my friend and who really was not. This even till today, Lord has shown me the few that I thought would take me as I am and not how I look or what I wear or how much I earn or have. But, none came through as really wanted to be my friend for who I am.

Even in this low life, as compared to what I learnt about the young man, Choi Sung Bong, the 2011 Korea's Got Talent, it's nothing. I still have a family. He was so abandoned by all that even when the lady judge told him that she wanted to give him a hug, his reaction was blank, like don't know what she meant. I could sense he does not know what is love, what is human touches. But in his nothingness, Lord blessed him a good, soothing voice that touches the soul and let us all could feel his sorrows.

I read that he had accidents in young time that caused some sicknesses in him. He is just great, a diamond that waiting to be discover and to shine in this world. Lord has been good to him.

I too, even in those low, under the eyes of people, Lord is rising me up high to show the world who He is. Glory to Jesus! For the life that He is blessing me, I really thank Him from the deepest of my heart.

Lord showed His Love to me, to let me know His Strong and Colourful love, to satisfy my yield for His Love. He showed me His Mighty and Powerful Ressurection Power, to see what He has, and He revealed His Palace and the Strong and Powerful of this Resurrection Power, for me to know how lovely and powerful He is.

In Him, I draws my comfort. Through Him, I am lifted up for His Glory! The Name of Jesus will be Loud and Clear in this end time. The Glorious and Mighty life that He is leading me into. Something I did not yield to be up there so High up, but Lord likes to put those little and insignificant people to shine for His Glory. We, who has nothing, is the right ground for Him to be everything in us. Glory Glory!

This Rising up is for His Glory! For the Name of Jesus to shine Bright and Clear. For the world to know, He is here! He is here to draw us out from all darkness. To bath us in His Health and Wholeness. Glory Glory!

I am happy! What is this 40+ years of shitty life, He is blessing me 1100 years of Good life. His compensation is so unfairly Good! His unmerited, unearned and undeserved favour is just so Great!

The more I was uncomfortable to be up there, the more He wanted to put me up there. He took away my uncomfortable and let me know He will be there operating through me. I just need to rest in Him. He handles all things, and I enjoy all His Blessed life forever and ever. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Gifts of the Spirit

These 2 weeks, Lord is leading New Creation Church into higher level of intimacy with Him. He through the pastors' and servers camp, revealed that He is going to pour abundance of His Spirits to do His 9 gifts. As Lord leads me through this receiving of His gifts, I like to share my experience to let you have an idea what is it about.

As a young Christian 4 years + ago, I heard the Radical Grace message from New Creation and have a good understanding of Jesus. As I grow to love His Goodness more, Lord released 2 areas of focus for me. I had this strong urge to find His Love and strong desire to seek His Power, the Resurrection Power that is very strong and powerful.

As I yield to them, I intensely seek the sermons of Pastor Prince from 2002 onwards. I was blessed with a good collection of them and Lord led me on a journey to discover Jesus. Each time I thought I learn enough, Lord always opened new area for me to continue learning.

From there, Lord opened His Heaven to show me His Colourful and Mighty Love that was so strong that I yield to it. Human love is just a very very tiny love as compared to it, billions and billions times less in comparison.

As I continued to give weight to Lord, seeking Him first thing in the morning and the whole day through, Lord opened His Heaven again when I was intensely worshipping Him in Church one day.

Then Lord told me to read His Book, the instruction manual about Him. This book is very spiritual and magical. If without the proper Radical Grace Revelation about it's all about Jesus, this bible will be see as very law base. But with the spirit leading, with a good understanding, even the Law in the New Testament, can be understand that Holy Spirit in me will leads me to fulfill them, as such, this bible become Grace book. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

When Lord leds to read the book, Jesus is being revealed. The Goodness of God is being revealed. No effort is needed to read, as an inner voice read to me instead. I am still listening like I listened to the sermons. That is why the bible stressed in listen intensely. Glory Glory!

With the revelation of how BIG God is, I become smaller and smaller to become just a breath, as what one of the Psalm said. Then with further reading, with the revelation of this breath is given by God, I become nothing in me. When I become nothing in me, Now Jesus can be everything in me. This is the Christian walk that Lord wants His Children to reach. It's a path of discovering you are nothing in yourself, so that Lord can be everything through you.

When Lord is everying in you, He could release His gifts fully, because it's Him, who is doing and not me, even when the world sees it's performing through me.

So, basically, this yielding of His Power is to lead us be nothing in Him and He be everything in us. When you reach this understanding that it is not you who are powerful but He, the Almighty God, you are usuable by Him mightily. This is how Lord could release His Gifts, because, it is not us doing it but Him and Him alone. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

And, that's not the end of it. As Christ is the source of all blessings, like when Jesus used the boat of Peter, fishes were attracted to Him, now that Jesus uses your body fully, all forms of blessings will be attracted to you. Glory Glory! Amen Amen! Lord is a good Pay Master, not because we work, but He work through us. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

It's Not by Work but by Faith

Lately, I have been listening to some of Pastor Prince past years sermons that I come to realise that I have feed my reader some law. I am so sorry, I apologised. It is easy when believing much in Jesus and His Fruits leads me to walk by Grace in obedience and in believing Jesus.

As subtle as it is, when not careful, this can easily be viewed as my own effort. It was not my own effort, more from the Grace given to obey and then the Grace given to follow through the actions. Glory to Jesus!

As I have no one to remind me and to pull me away from the law. Somehow, as I walked closely to Lord by His Grace, forces tried to keep me away by getting me to look at myself. I was looking at lately I was watching more TV as compared to previously did not watch any. Also, I surfed more then previous. By nature, I was self-condemning that I had walked away from Lord and thus not fit to do His Work! This was my thought or that from the devil.

Lord led me to listen to some of the sermons and even todays' preaching by Pastor Prince, it's all about Grace and nothing about me. It is as if Lord wants to drum it deep into me. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Anyway, since last night, finally I got it that it's not how good or bad I am, but rather by the Grace of Jesus, it's all about Him. So surely, Jesus will raise in me to do His Mighty Work at His 2nd Coming. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

As the time gets closer and closer, seem like there is a panic of the devil to lead me away so that Lord's plan fall through. As long as I am talking to Lord daily, He is alway rising me up and lifting me up to see where He is placing me. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

It is easy as a young Christian to just depends on the Grace of Jesus. But as I grow in Him, yes, the Good Work is all done by Him and not by me. Even though I know that, but come to my personal time, I look at it as walking away from Lord and felt bad about it. Finally, last night, I know it's not about how I spend my time that determines if Lord going to use me or not. But it's by His Grace that He has chosen me and He shall make His Plan come through all by His Grace and nothing by my self-effort. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

God's Time

I would like to make some rectification on my wrong understanding of summer time in Israel. I was checking the website and realised Israel summer is from mid June to mid September. Lord said to look at the fig tree for His coming, fig harvest season is from August – September. So, from all these description, Lord's 2nd coming should be around September. Glory Glory!

Recently in the news, US President Obama and Japan has talked about Israel 1967 border. Seem like the war Lord talked in the bible is going to realise soon. Israel will definitely not give up her land. But the world wants to presurize her to give up, surely this might lead to a many countries armies coming against Israel and we will see the Saviour saving Israel to show His Glory to the world. Glory Glory! This is exciting moment in History for Jesus Glory! Amen Amen!

On my end, things also not looking rosy. Ex had informed me about taking back this apartment. Recently he had been to see the gf's parents. Guess their marriage is in the air. He was talking about changing the fridge and the aircon pipes. He is also talking about I move over to my mum's house.

However, I know my Daddy in Heaven will not leave me behind. Like Israel, I know a delivery plan is deviced for me. I am glad to have a Daddy that so concern about my well being. Jc read what He disclosed to me and She warned me not to go for another divorce when we are married again. Haha...Glory to Jesus!

My beloved, my love, abba is bringing Israel and Stephanie to shine for My Glory. This 2nd coming of Jesus, I am going to bless many richly to show the world I am a Good God. Surely I will. If you want to be blessed, go read My Words and meditate My Words. Walk closely with me and realise how Good I Am. Surely, you will see yourself rise up high by me. I need many soldiers in this end time. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!