Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Are You a Butterfly?

These few days of bringing Jc to school, I saw this little girl of P1, crying and wanting mummy. Through her, Lord leads me to see what He had done to Jc. Glory Glory! Amen Amen! Thank You Lord Jesus!

2 nights ago, Jc asked me this question: ‘Mummy, why caterpillar eats a lot?’ I went to the web and found out caterpillar skin cannot grow. They eat a lot and grow bigger, when they cannot wear that skin anymore; they grow a new bigger skin within the old skin. Once they grow too big, they will break through the old skin and the new skin will take over. This process is called molting. Caterpillar goes through 4 stages of such growth.

As I looked at that little P1 girl crying at the gate of Jc’s school, I realised Lord had through the years, had changed Jc a lot. In the crankiness of the present situations, I lost sight to what Lord had been doing in our life. We still face some problems, but at each stage of growth, there is new level of trust and grow and molt. Glory to Jesus!

Looking at Jc, Lord has grown her maturity and her boldness. She is a lot better than when she was P1. Looking at the little girl, I then realised Jesus has done A LOT in the life of Jc. In our blindness, we forget what Lord has done to our life and think that the lemon throw to us is still the same.

In our daily life, Lord is a faithful God. All that we need and want, just by trusting Him and look at His Provision at the Cross, we get our deliverance. Satan can be making monkey faces to distract you, but as you focus back to Lord, you will see that Lord has been faithful all the while. Glory to Jesus!

Just that the monkey distract you to a different area, that you think that things, situation is still the same, but it is not the same. As we grow in Christ, Lord leads us through molting, shedding of old self to a new level of trust in Him.

Yes, we just have to look at Jesus and the end result, as He is, so are we in this world. As we focus on Him and let Him lead us through His Words, through new understanding of His Words, new layers of old self is being cast off. In the process, we move from Glory to Glory….to be like Jesus, the butterfly. Glory Glory!

You are not to look to self and say you still a caterpillar, even the caterpillar goes through 4 stages of growth and each stage, even it is still called a caterpillar, it is not the same caterpillar anymore.

Realise that even you don’t see much change in you, but at different level of understanding Jesus and His Words, you grow from Glory to Glory! Your old-self is shedding off and the new you are emerging! Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

PS: Did you realise what Lord has made us to be like? Caterpillar...we are to eat and eat the Word of Christ! The more we eat, we grow and new Christ-like personality and faith takes over...Glory to Jesus! Amen Amen!

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