Thursday, February 1, 2007

Robbing God?

Long time ago, before I became a Christian, I was wondering why Christian must pay the 10% of the income to church. The salary itself was not much to begin with. I just didn’t want to pay that 10%. Years down the road and now I am a Christian, and knowing the truth and the blessings, I contributed to pay my respect to Jesus and to get the blessings that will go to my daughter…even though I am a home maker with no income. :P

I don’t know about you, for me, becoming a mother and having a sweet daughter, I want to protect her to the best I can. I want to give her the best of life she could get. Knowing that nowadays morality has gone down the hill, I don’t want my girl to be some naughty boys’ victim. When I know that by acknowledging Father God through tithe, my girl, my grandchildren and my great grandchildren would be blessed, I happily tithe. :D

Pastor shared that in the Garden of Eden, Adam sinned and the ground was cursed. As such things that come from the ground, come with that curse…be it money, fruits, vegetables or things we use like paper and so on.

By giving 10% to Father God, he will Malachi 3:10 “open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it”. Sound nice..and I am waiting for this to pour on me. :D He will Malachi 3:11“prevent pests from devouring your crops and vines in your fields will not case their fruits.” meaning that Father God will rebuke all misfortune from getting to me and my family, also whatever process or procedure I do will complete and no stop half way. This can means a pregnancy will carry through to full term and business deals will sure end with contract successfully closed. Praise the Lord!!!

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