Saturday, March 4, 2017

Blessed Saturday

The week goes by so fast; it's weekends again.

Life is pretty routine day in day out.

Now February is gone and March is in. I have successfully patiently waited for 5 months. Another 7 months more to hit October.

Lord promised to deliver me out of my lacks to my richness in October. I hope it's truth in this year of Jubilee; the church's theme of the year.

Waiting without worrying nor stress by it, just day by day let it pass by trusting in the Lord.

I have successfully stay away from gambling. Even my counselor told me to stop betting.

She recommended if I face lacks in getting enough money to buy a 2nd hand flat, I can move to a shelter as an alternative option.

She is willing to wait and see if I will be blessed.

I pray that the Lord will not forsake me to face my lack. I pray He will deliver me out of my lacks to His Abundance.

Lord, help me!!!

Surely Lord, Your Blessing will be in time!!! Amen Amen!!!

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