Previously when Pastor Prince was preaching 4 services in Rock, some of his 4th service were more anointed and one don't know which service is most anointed and thus need to buy his sermon CD to listen.
Nowadays he preached 1 or at most 2 service, the other 2 services just watch the video replay of earlier service. Nothing extra reveal from the Lord and thus boring to listen to same old thing.
Lord in my meditation mentioned him not his shepherd boy as he missed attending 50-75% of his sheeps.
Attending same service through video at least Lord could still speak to His People when needed. Through earlier video, Lord don't know if whom he wants to speak to is attending the service and unable to speak to them.
Lord is unhappy with this arrangement. It's one thing getting the best of the 4 services to show overseas or to sell as CDs and just from 1-2 service and sell the CDs.
I used to record his sermons but not doing so anymore as I don't listen to them anyway. His sermon lacks the freshness that bring joy to the soul.
Lord is unhappy and thus not blessing him the sales revenue. He should have get his salary and continue 4 services. He previously commented Lord gave him strength that after 4 services he still had more energy to carry on.
There are more unhappiness of him but Lord just let me reveal this on the blog. The rest will reveal to him on NCC blessed day. Amen Amen!
For he is not the highest blessed among the 5 pastors Lord wants to bless!
Interestingly Lord reveal 3 pastors not called by Him, no wonder 1 of the 3 gave wrong advice to Su and her husband previously!
I now know why only 2 male pastors being blessed because among the original group of pastors; 3 not called, 1 too proud, 1 disobey and 1 not close to the Lord.
Among the female pastors; 2 are in the blessed list even before they become pastors! Amen Amen!