Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Father God Child Training

Now that Daddy God said that I have reached the goal He set for me. I would like to share some of the training that I went through in these 2.5 years.

From the start when I was still a baby Christian, Lord led me to sit at His Feet. Each sermons I attended, He speaks through Pastors to me. My inner man, the Holy Spirit also knocked my head for things that He wants me to take note or correct my believe.

As I sit still and let Him led me, slowly, He assigned people for me to point Jesus to them. Once I got off the LRT train a stop before my actual stop, Lord actually send an auntie for me to lead. Her husband had affairs and she was separated. Her daughter was trying to bring her to Christ without success. Lord led me to tell her how Jesus could help her. She confident was boosted up and she was so determined to go accept Christ. Praise the Lord!

Around this time round, Lord also started to test my obedience. He knew that I prefer to go early to church to queue for the bible study at Rock. One day, He wanted me to go during peak period, 5:30pm to take a cab there. I was feeling 'what?!!! 5:30pm?? Taxi charge is expensive and queue would be formed longer. Even with my dislike, I obeyed Him and took the cab around that time. Lord blessed me the money for the cab fare with $2 excess. Lord through me preached to that cab driver about Jesus. Hallelujah!

I was tested to obey Him to go healing too. Once sis told me that team mate mum hospitalised and need prayer. I was telling sis I did not bring my anointed oil. Father got me to go and told me to anoint my water bottle and used that to anoint the lady and prayed over her. She was healed the next day. Glory to Lord Jesus.

Lord also tested me to go far away to pray healing. I was thinking it was too far away and wanted to pray a few days later. But Lord removed His Presence in me. I got panicked and repented. I apologised to Him and He returned to me again. It was this time I realised how Great a work Lord Jesus has done on the cross, for even sin against God was judged in Him that Daddy God can forgive me immediately. Hallelujah!!!

Lord do not wants my pride to rise above my head. Even though He anointed me as the Healer, He revealed more information to sis than to me and showed more love to Su than to me. I felt like a 2nd loved kid from Father. But this love from Daddy God is free, so I could not demand Him to love me more. I just accepted it as so, the 2nd position and continued to believe and trust all that Jesus had done for me. I accepted information about Daddy God is from Su and go to her for answer from Lord. It was now, after 1.5 yrs of training that Lord revealed this is part of the test to mold me to be humble. It was after the test that He showed me His Great Love again. Hallelujah!!! Hallelujah!!!

How would you feel to be on off scolded by younger sis that I am not trusting in Lord fully. It was moments of look to self to renew my thoughts and look to Jesus again. Su scolded me so often and she herself bathed in so much of Lord's Love. How would you feel, yes, it's didn't feel good. But I trust in the Lord anyway. Slowly, I moved closer and closer to Lord.

Lord also led me to be free of the love of money. First He got me to sow 2 seeds. 1st seed to see if I am willing to sow. When I looked to Him for provision and not my lack, He got me to sow the 2nd big seed. Then He got me to spent $100 on 4-Digit gambling that didn't strike and realised I was controlled by money and cast this to Him to change me. Hubby 1.5 years of restricting my allowance also see my saving going down as I continued to pay for my parent(s) allowance from my saving too.

At the 1st discomfort level, Lord impressed me to pay for Su and her husband and my own Israel trip deposit. He also give me Grace to pay for the all the travel fares. This really pulled my saving down to my 2nd uncomfortable level...personal alarming level. But instead of look to my lack, I look to Lord Jesus provision. Recent months, I and Su showed about Lord Jesus abundance to the family. We had a rich class Christmas that cost around $500. I paid most of the bills. The most recent dinner for my mother's birthday and showed Lord's abundance, I again paid for a $5000 dinner (this cost will be share by sis n me). Yes, with this 2nd discomfort level, am I not afraid that I am running out of money? I know I am but I trust that Lord would provide for me and look to Him instead of my lack. I am only left with around 10% of all my initial saving. If you wonder how lack I am.

All the test about trust, obedience, humbleness, was tested many times till I lost count of them. Till I am not sure if Daddy God really love me that much. But when all the tests are over, He consoled me and love me even more. Finally, I am bathing in His Love again. These 1.5 yrs of molding me to what He desired of me, is not exactly sweet. But it was not tough though. Just that in term of joy on the Lord was not that strong. Now that all is over, Daddy blessed me the Joy from Heaven. Hallelujah!!!

So, the route to serve Daddy God has to go through some hardship that throw away my pride, my love of money, my temper etc. Sitting at the feet of Jesus is the most blessed time. But the end result is the Sweetest time of all because all that Lord promise in the bible become accessible by me. Hallelujah!!! Thank You, Daddy God!!! Would I want to go through it again? Well, if I am back to the start, I won't exchange anything for this training. Power, Status, Fame, Wealth, are all accessible by me. But Lord take away my temptation by Money God, by Power and Fame, and remove all sexual temptation before blessing me all that. Good life? Yes it is. With Lord leading me, I am changed to be a better person then the original me. Hallelujah!!! Amen and Amen!!!

Why I am writing all these? Someone that Lord wanted to lead close choose to be in pride that Lord has to give up. I am feeling sad. This post is to show that God is surely Good. But during training time, it's not a bed of roses. How to grow in a bed of roses? I don't know. That would only produce a pampered kid. Lord won't go that way to harm His kid. Glory to Lord Jesus. Amen and Amen!!!

This is what Lord revealed to me when I meditated Psalm 136:26:

Father is happy that you stay calm with what I am giving you. Glory to Lord Jesus!!! Father God is very pleased with you.

For this 2.5 years, no matter what test I put to you, even those that make you feel that I love Su more than you, you choose to stay close to Me. Even though I let you think that I bless Su more, you gladly accept it. You did not complain to me, you still choose to trust me.

Even thou Su scold you as if it's from Me, you gladly accept it and look within yourself to change for the better. You don't mind letting Me put you down, you still trust fully in Me. Father is very happy that you always trust in Me, no matter what.

Lord is very pleased and very glad! I know you are faithful and obedience. You even don't mind I reveal more to Su than you. Father is glad that you are humble, faithful and obedience.

As such, Father is glad to bless you big big. This amount you get, no one in history ever get it. You are the one and only one who I will bless. Father loves you, very very much indeed! Glory to Lord Jesus!!! Amen & Amen!!!

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