Saturday, December 31, 2016

Eve of 2017

I bless all of you my reader of my blog a blessed Year ahead and may everything you do will prosper!!! Amen Amen!!!

I am happy to step into 2017 and has high expectation on what is the theme for the year to be revealed by Pastor Prince tomorrow. Amen Amen!!!

2 months had passed and I just left 10 more months to wait upon the Lord for my blessings to be pour on me. Amen Amen!!!

I am also looking for a new job and wish that I will be successful in it.

Lord has greatly promised me to bring the blessing through. I believe this round he will be truly bring to me. He will not let me wait for another year. Amen Amen!!!

Thank God that when I fully manifest in the healing ministry there is renewal of youth for me and for all children of the Lord. I need not face an old me and an old next man for the coming years.

Lord promised to renew our youth. Amen Amen!!!

It is good to step into 2017 going to church!!!

Even the Chinese New Year is fallen in the weekends on 29th Jan 2017, that I need not bother about reunion dinner as Friday is a working day for me if I still in existing job. Amen Amen!!!

Abba Father promise me to bring the blessing through and it shall be. Amen Amen!!!

I look forward to a bright future!!! Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Eve

Today is Christmas Eve, I wish you, my reader of this blog a Blessed Christmas and an Abundance Year ahead for 2017!!!

As I stepping into 2017, it's another year of waiting for the Blessing to be Fulfilled. Amen Amen!!!

Recently met my counsellor and she wanted me to write down my commitment for the year.

If Lord don't bring the Blessing through, I will have to get a 2nd hand flat. And I commited to it with a view that Lord will bring the Blessing through and I need not buy the 2nd flat. Amen Amen!!!

I am already 48, even though Lord could renew my youth, I don't want to wait for another year to come by. I want this 2017 to be a year of fulfillment. This is my blessed hope!!! Amen Amen!!!

New Creation Church Christmas service was so fully booked many people are coming for the service.

I know Vision Sunday will not be any lesser. Amen Amen!!!!

I hope that I could get 2 seats for next Sunday.

Life here is still as usual.

In this quietness of the seasons, I hope the Blessing will come with a Big Bang for me that I will be joyful of it. Amen Amen!!!

I hope I could get a new job that pays a better income for me. Amen Amen!!!

Glory Glory!!! Unexpected 2 unsaved souls are following me to church for the Christmas service!!! This comes as they want to attend Christmas held in different churches.

Abba Father told me they will be saved. Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Christmas Season

Yesterday the center here celebrated Christmas.

I attended the morning events but wasn't around for the big draw. So no idea if my name was drawn as one only get a prize if one is around. 

My closed friend invited me to her home for a spring roll making and eating event on Christmas but since I attend my service in the morning, I have a few hours to spare before her dinner event. 

She invited me to attend her afternoon church with her family. 

So I will be going to 2 churches on Christmas day!!!

My work pants got acid stains from a pillow someone washing and my center mates took it out and put on top of my washing machine. My clothes was done but I didn't rinse them again and thus the acid created a few big dots of discolour. 

I prayed to Lord to restore my pants but Lord refused so now I left 3 pairs of pants to go around the week. Hiazz!!!

My counselor seen to have let me off from buying an appartment after she realized I was a 2nd timer and thus not qualified to buy the new appartment. 

I am meeting her on Monday and she only wants updates from my end. 

Now that ex is out of job and stop giving me my alimony since November, I am running short of money and eating into my savings. 

I prayed to Lord that he has God Favour in the eyes of employer so that he can pay me soon. 

With Lord's Blessing delay, I am lacking instead of Abundance. Amen Amen!

But thanks God time run faster nowadays that week by week past by fast enough and soon it will be 2017!!!

In the bible, the Passover is the Israeli new seasons and Ras Hashana is the following season. Not like the current Jewish Calendar that put Ras Hashana as the new season!

So the blessing fall into the same year as the Passover and not separate into another year! Amen Amen!!!

Hopefully this is the last round of waiting for the blessing as the Lord proclaimed to me. And not His Leading me for another empty wait.

Chinese New Year is just a couple months away. I am facing another round of siblings rejection to host me as they have their own commitments. 

I long to have my own family so that Reunion Dinner is not so lonely. But my friend has offered to host me again this year if I have nowhere to go. So nice of her!!!

The 2 men given to me to choose the more I think the more I find the new man is more attractive to me. 

As I been through 10 years of life with ex and I know the result of choosing him. It's pain and heartache to recall them; the daily celebrations of life events. 

The rich only wants to marry to the rich as I have seen in Korea TV series is still holds in Singapore setting. 

Lord told me that when He blesses me and my status become rich, then I can match the rich for the rich. And thus he only can come to me in my new status.

All is fairytale till the day Blessing approaches me. Amen Amen!!!

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Sun rise Sun fall

Sun rises Sun falls, time flies and it's a brand new day.

Abba Father uses the Great I Am name to Honour His Promise to me of the Great Blessing will come next Oct 2017.

He never uses this Name before in my meditation except nowasday.

My audience highest read had changedfrom USA to Singapore to now Russia and Poland.

The walk of this blog has to be by faith and not by sight. It is all about a Promise Lord promises as He is rising me up from nobody to be somebody. Amen Amen!!!

Now is already December and another 10 months more to wait.

Lord Honour His Word as I am on Leviticus meditating on the Feast of Sukkot and on the Jubilee.

He comes on strongly to confirm His Promise using the Name of I Am and the Almighty God!!! Amen Amen!!!

To Moses the Name of I AM that I AM did Great Miracles but in present days the Name of Jesus has replaced it as important in our life.

But Lord is creating miracle again using the Name of I AM and Lord Jesus!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

Over the whole wide world of Christians, Lord chooses me to do Great Miracles. I am Honored!!! Amen Amen!!!

This is the End Time Miracles to bring many souls back to JESUS. Amen Amen!!!

Glory Glory!!!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

My First Aunt

This week my aunt whom is my mum's eldest brother's wife passed away and I attended the wake on Wednesday.

From my cousin description of the last moment of my aunt death, it's a great different from my parents peaceful sleep.

She did not accept Christ so this is her 1st death and her soul taken by the devil.

Her eyes were widely open and so was her mouth. She has needle poking into every parts of her body from the neck down.

I believe in retribution in that if a person has good personality his/her death will be peaceful.

My aunt has pretty strong character, eg, we were joking about a rabbit drawn by my 2nd sis and my aunt, who was washing her laundry nearby donkey years ago, was angry with my mum over this misunderstanding for many years.

She only decided to talk to my mum after my grandma death donkey years ago.

While my parents practised forgiveness to all even though they might be in the right and never find fault.

Even in Christ, my 3rd aunt from father's side also did not sleep peacefully. She also a bit mean kind of person.

So even when one who is in Christ or not. Leading a forgiving life is important. It leads to a peaceful death or not. Even though one who accept Christ will go to heaven. And one who didn't accept Christ goes to hell.

The journey of our life we can walk all we want but the effect of death where one cannot control will show how well one walk ones life.

Amen Amen!!!