Friday, February 25, 2011

The Why of Jesus

These are what Lord leads me to write on face book. I am posting it here to share with you:

Why Jesus died on a Cross? A cross is made of tree, the law said the man who hang on a tree is cursed. Jesus died during Roman control time, the capital punishment was by stoning. But Abba Father arranged Him to die on the cross because, He took all our curses by hanging on a tree so that we are redeemed of the curse! Without hanging on a tree, our curse cannot be redeemed. Praise Jesus!

Why Jesus sweated blood at the garden? The ground was cursed when Adam fall, but Jesus blood and sweat fall onto the ground and redeemed of our cursed hard work life. Glory to Jesus!

Why Jesus wore the crown of thorns? Our problem come mainly from all form of worldly and evil thoughts. Jesus worn that crown of thorn with the thorns about 3-5 cm long that pierced into His Head so that all our thoughts and stress, and all form of mental sicknesses were being redeemed fully for us. Glory Glory to the Great Saviour we have. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Why Jesus had to concept from a seed? He redeemed us from conception. Just as the Israeli under the covenant of Abraham with God, the moment the whole group lead by Joshua stepped into River Jordan, the water retreated to Adam, signify our Adamic life on earth are fully redeemed once you accepted Christ. That is why we are in this world but not of this world. Glory Glory!

When you know the truth, the truth sets you free. You need not curse the life you are born with, but claim all the inheritance that Jesus achieved in his 33 years of walk to walk righteously for us, who cannot, and died the death for us, so that we need not suffer the capital punishment of the court of heaven! We cannot walk the requirements of the 10 commandments. Jesus fulfilled for us and once we believe in all that He done for us, Holy Spirit changed our life to walk out this law of Love effortlessly! Glory Glory!

That's why when you hold on to Law, sin strengthen, because we can't walk the requirement. By believing Jesus, Holy Spirits leads us walked it out. That's why Jesus came to fulfill the law for us.

Our part is to believe and learn about Jesus.... Lord challenged us to come for His Kingdom and His Righteousness first(means come learn about Jesus first) then all these things the world have, all that you need and want, He will give it to you, freely! Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

The beauty of Jesus! The more you munch on it, it brings health and wholeness. All these reveals are learned from what Lord revealed to Pastor Joseph Prince from 2000 till now sermons.

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