Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Wisdom of God II

Trusting for Jesus deliverance takes time. Sure, Abba Father is a Faithful God. Glory Glory! It's like the red sea the children of Israel faced. In the nature, the answer seem bleak, no way to stop the curse of bad. But Jesus is the Aleph Tav of the situation. As you have read about how ex used black magic on me for quite some time, since we were married to now, as at 2 nights ago. Lord finally delivered me yesterday. Glory Glory!

As you know, whatever ex wants me to do, he has been getting black magic to attack me, to let me fear it and agrees to his way. In the nature, there is no way out. Instead of Lord always have to be there to protect me, Lord has a better plan. Glory Glory! The 2nd last round of attack, Lord did not let me feel it, but this round, Lord let me see it and feel it slightly to message ex. Hallelujah.

Ex was readily to agree to pay for the air con maintenance service of $500. He told me would transfer that night. But instead of his money, he sent some more attack instead. I will post Lord's wisdom in messaging him here. Glory Gory! Amen Amen!

Me 28/12/2010 5:03pm :
'When will you transfer the $500 to me?'

Ex 28/12/2010: 'Tonight'

Lord 29/12/2010 2:40am:
A scoundrel and villain who plots evil with deceit in his heart – he always stirs up dissension, therefore disaster will take over him in an instant; he will suddenly be destroyed – without remedy. Come to Jesus to solve your problem. Using devil, you are selling your soul to the devil!!!'

Ex 29/12/2010 9:40am: 'What's wrong with you?

Lord :
'To send so many spirits to attack me last night. I am wondering how much longer you are going to waste your money.'

'1/3 of God's angels led by Satan, who is the leader of all worshiping, rebelled against God and the blood of Jesus washed cleaned the Heaven and these fallen angels fallen to earth. You are trusting this fallen angels to kill me while I trust in the Lord Most High, who is also in me and with me to fully deliver me and He had delivered me 2000 years at the Cross!

My part is just to believe that I am in Him, in the Holy Redemptive ground of the Holy of Holy in Christ Jesus. His Feathers covers me and shield me fully.

How can fallen angels fight the Finished Work of Lord Jesus? If you still have some intelligent left, think about it and maybe you may get the answer why you tried to curse me with food, personal items and even my birth date and yet, I am still alive and kicking.

Don't keep knocking the door of God's rejected servants! They are just His ex-servants and are nothing compared to the Almighty God. That is why I have not fallen by all those curses, because Jesus hang on a tree 2000 years ago redeemed me from curse!!! Glory Glory!

By believing, I am the Child of God Most High. Do you think my Daddy, the Holy One, will let you curse me? Go figure why I am still alive and maybe you will get the answer. Don't stupidly still trust the same old tricks that never works! They are just shadows! And shadows cannot hurt!'

Lord 29/12/2010 1:02pm:
'I let you know why today I sms you. The other week, actually the curse cannot get to me, so I did not message you. As Lord wants you to know about Him, He opens a small window to let me feel a little, so that I will message you.

Anyway, Lord greatly protect me that last round, I doubt Him when He said have attack. So He open a small window to let me feel the fierceness of the attack and closed it after I am convinced. This round, also, after message you, I cannot feel it anymore. Glory Glory!'

Praise the Lord! After all these messaging with ex, the attack stopped. When I checked the joint account last night, I got his transfer of $500. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Abba Father, thank You for leading P to believe in You! Glory Glory! Sure he is a lost sheep that You are leading back. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Glory of Jesus IV

I am so grateful to Lord! Praise Him for His Goodness! Recently, Jc's god-mother, Py, brought her yearly blessing of clothes to Jc. Upon hearing what ex, P, had done to me and had stopped giving me wife-maintenance since September, she asked how am I to survive. I told her how much I had left in my saving and need Lord's help soon.

Praise the Lord, Py offered to buy Jc's school textbooks and her uniforms. She even treated me and Jc to a late lunch after that that we both were so full that at dinner time that we just took 2 slices of toast as dinner. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Recently, Lord leads me through a trial and I felt so hurt by Him. Even more than the divorce between me and ex. I cast the sadness, the pain, the depression to Lord a few times before finally cleared of all this deep pain. Lord is happy that I did not scold Him. He said finally I arrived at where He wants to put me. Glory Glory!

After the trial, I became defensive on further hurt by Lord that I was cynical towards what Lord is doing next. When I realised some discrepancy in what He told me and real fact I found in the net, I questioned if He is really Lord, the Holy Spirit, as He supposed to be a comforter and not a liar.

Then I realised He is still testing me to see if I will be angry with Him. I cast my disbelieve and doubt in Him, to Him and told Lord that I had come to the end of my faith and patience in Him. I was utterly tired of all this draining emotional feeling. I told Him that if He wants me to continue believing in Him, the Holy Spirit, He has to enable me again. Glory Glory! Lord filled me up to come close to Him again.

As this test in me is completed, Lord leads me to teach Su on casting all Her bad feeling and unforgiving to Lord. As you see, the different between Su and me is, I am one to examine self if in questioned. Whatever not in Peace feeling, I would cast to Lord to take it away and by self, I can't. For Su, she became stronger when pressured. She will bark back instead of cast the unhappiness to Lord and to look for Lord's Shalom Peace.

Lord is leading Su to walk in His Peace, so have been throwing accusation to her and wanting her to learn to cast the bad feeling to Him. This is critical in our walk with Jesus. Why did Jesus bestow His Shalom Peace onto us? To be like Him, we have to walk in His Shalom Peace then He could come out of us to lead us and to come through us to lead the world. Glory Glory!

So, have you been encountering any bad feeling situation and you wish the person that did that to you should be greatly punished? Be it from whoever they are, it is a good opportunity for Lord to use it to train His Children to look to His Work at the Cross and to cast the bad feeling to His nail-pierced hands and to draw His Shalom Peace.

There was once I talked to a old classmate in the MRT to church and she told me how to clear of those anger and sadness? It was so hard! She claimed. By us alone, Yes, it is hard, but whatever you could not, Lord tell you that 'it is Done!' at the Cross. Your part is to CAST all that you cannot handle to Him. Surely, His Yoke is light, He is able to remove the bad feelings and inabilities from you and give you His Shalom Peace and en-abilities. Start looking to Jesus and laid all the bad to His nail-pierced hand and get His Peace that He went through the hardship for us.

He knows we can't, that's why He came down to free us of the hardness and walk in His Yoke. Glory Glory! Lord calls this spiritual growth to be like Him. Start moving towards Him in this new year. It's all about Him and nothing about us. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Glory of Jesus III

Glory Glory! A week has passed, the curse came and went, not not a slight harm it did. Jesus is a faithful God! He took it all at the Cross 2000 years ago and took all the curses and destruction away from my life forever. I was walking in His Rest while ex was fuming mad at me.

How I know? While Jc was hitting ex's bum to show me how the ex's girlfriend likes to hit him, I told Jc that in love, daddy took the hitting as loving. The next moment, I saw his strong hand swing strongly, with strong strength that could sweep my face off, but it stopped short just inch before my face. It was after that that it fell on me that because he spent those money to send those curses to me but not a single reaction from my end, I am still in peace! Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

'My darling, the love of My Life, Abba is so please that you trusted fully in Me! The Glory of Jesus protected you! Hallelujah! Amen Amen!' said the Lord!

Glory Glory! Lord is creating another miracle in my family. The other day, while I was praying in the spirit in my bedroom, I saw a short legged spider on the wall near the ceiling. I just uttered 'Lord', not even finishing the whole word, I saw the spider disappeared before my eyes!!! Leaving just the outlining edge of it, then moment later, the wall was cleared of it trace!!! The next moment, I saw a insect flying or rather hanging on top of my air con outlet. The moment I manifested the Lord's hand, it was gone! Glory Glory!

While queuing at the food court in Marina Square after the service, Su and I saw a baby cockroach crawling towards our tray. I commanded it in the Name of Jesus to crawl away from the tray to the opposite direction and it obeyed! Glory Glory!

Lord is bringing my eldest sis, Ad, family back to Him. Glory Glory! They and mum had just flew to Seoul this morning. Lord had revealed that the warmth clothing they bring along is not enough as it is freezing cold there. Lord had gotten my mum to bring wool clothing for 4 of the family members, they will get it when they face cold when they reach there. Sis and KF had rejected our offer. But Lord got mum to pack them in as He said sis family don't know the cold in Korea.

Lord initially said they will suffer a day of cold. I prayed to Lord to moderate the temperature and to make it bearable for them. They supposed to fly off 10:40pm last night and supposed to reach there around 5:50 am. As I prayed, Lord delayed the flight till am this morning, but I was thinking if 7 am, they had to go there at 5 am, means wake up 4 am, which is unfavourable.

As I checked the flight schedule again, Lord re-scheduled it to 8:29 am. Glory Glory! I have checked other planes of the same airlines and other airlines, those going to the same location. They all departed last night, but only this plane, Lord rescheduled it so that the late afternoon temperature is more bearable for my sis family. Glory Glory! (PS: Now I know why Lord delayed their flight. 6 am temperature is -2 deg C!!! Currently at 2:35pm Singapore Time is 9 deg C. Glory to Jesus! Amen Amen!)

Abba Father, no one is as smart as intelligent and as able and as possible. Nothing is impossible for You when come to the request of your beloved! Glory Glory! Amen Amen! Thank You for loving Your beloved daughter, the child of the God Most High, so much! Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The End of My Earthly Nature

Today is a list of new discovery of myself in the Lord. Glory Glory!

As you, my readers know, from ex, I suffered a long list of spiritual attack, mainly from black magic. It all started when I tried to protect ex, then my hubby, from being control by fly. Then suddenly, I became his most hated enemy! And, don't know how the event turn, from the 9 months of leading ex from 1 sin to the next, till Su and I got so sick of praying for him, and we gave up praying.

Then suddenly, ex became fly best friend and started the series of black magic attack, from giving me cursed food, like moon cake, Swiss roll etc to the recent mangoes. There was also using my personal items to attack me to come directly to take my life. All these started when ex, then my hubby, asked for my Chinese birth date. When I refused to give him, he took my birth certificate and let that fly knows.

I thought by not taking his wife maintenance in September, that would be the last of the attack. But as ex gave notice of taking over this apartment, 2 weeks ago, when he sent Jc home, he brought home 2 mangoes, one ripe, one unripe. I cut the ripe one for Jc to eat. I got a jump from Lord and a verbal warning from mum not to take it myself. Then Lord told me the green mango was cursed and told my mum to dispose for me.

I became anxious again, for I am sick of all those attack! I called church and was reminded to stand firm on my position in Christ, highly rise up, high above all principalities and powers and dominions. A few days before, Lord had gotten me to start praying in the spirit again. Then I realised in my last attack, I had stopped praying in the spirit for a long while, that's why Satan took his chance.

As I prayed in the spirit and focused on my position in Christ, I become more and more peaceful. I was so peaceful that I doubt there was attack. Lord opened a small window to let me experience the fierceness of the attack and He was faithful to shut the window again. Glory! Glory!

As I want a complete stop of being vulnerable to curses, Lord today gave me idea to give up on my Chinese birth date. I prayed to Lord that I am reborned and I should have a heavenly birth date and this earthly birth date is an old self and it should not exist any longer. Then I prayed in Spirit. Lord was so happy and revealed the following to me:

'My beloved, my darling, abba never think that you would want to let go of your earthly tag. I had take that away and issue you a new tag. Surely no one can use your birth date to find the Chinese birth date to seek you any longer. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

So far, those house attack is linked with your birth date. Without it, it can never work. Glory Glory! So you have effectively blocked them from attacking you anymore. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!'

'My beloved, once you let go of your earthly tag, you are fully one with Me! Glory Glory! Abba is very happy. Surely, no more evil can use your birth date to come against you. Hallelujah!

My darling, my love, you have come inline with Me in full. Glory Glory! Surely, this is a call for joy! Hallelujah! My darling, I am waiting for you to let go of self fully, even thisy birth tag, which is your birth right. Now that you given up yours, I could be fully in you. So now, you are tagged with Me, no more any earthly being. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!'

'My beloved, by giving up this birth date, you are not linked earthly anymore. You are a heavenly being, not a earthly being. Glory Glory! Surely I will come through you fully to do the work. We are now fully one. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!'

'My beloved, P cannot set anymore curse on you nor any of the family members (I prayed for mum and Jc too).

For the personal item to be used as a curse, there has to be a link to the earthly tag. But since no tag, it is ineffective to curse the personal item, as no earthly tag could be link to it. As such, the curse is broken. Glory Glory!

As for cursed food item, it is prayed with a tag on the earthly tag too. As you are a heavenly being, you don't have a physical tag spiritually, so the curse is broken too. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!'

'My love, I am changing your brain, surely you are smart and full of wisdom. Abba will come fully to reign in you. Surely no more devil can touch you. Hallelujah! Amen Amen!

Surely, fly will find that those dates he had is useless. The devil will attack him instead. Hallelujah! Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

This is the moment of Truth that I am looking for. Glory Glory! Amen Amen! This shall be the moment of Glory!

My love, my darling, all these attack will be gone. I am clearing all for you. Hallelujah! Amen Amen! Surely, you are strong and healthy. Divine Health and Divine Energy are yours to keep. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!'

After this meditation, I went to pray in the spirit and in a vision, I saw my right index finger was tagged with black, red and white tags, as described in book of Revelation, as these are the spirits of lacks! I saw Lord removed them one by one, I could feel the pain on my index finger, the joint that joined the finger to the palm. After all the removal, I saw Lord put on a golden tag on my index finger. Glory Glory! When I meditated after the praying in Spirit, this is what Lord revealed:

'My beloved, you have fully let go of your earthly curses. I have put on the Ring of Authority for you. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

My beloved, from now on, no more Satan dare to walk close to you. Hallelujah! Just now is their last attempt. Glory Glory! Surely from now on, they dare not walk any closer as I will burn them off by My Glory! You eat most can hear and feel them but no more can they invade your body. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!'

'My beloved, my love, Glory Glory! Surely you have the Authority of Heaven and Earth and in Hell too. Glory Glory! They have no choice but to obey! Glory Glory! Amen Amen!'

Abba, thank You very much for leading me to this most sacred position. Glory Glory! I thank You that NO More sicknesses and lacks and old age curse can come on me. Glory Glory! I thank You for Your blessing of young at 20 and youth at 16. Glory Glory! Thank You for a beautiful face and body that you are blessing me. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Humility of Jesus

This morning, as I was in the LRT on my way to church, I saw someone has this tattoo of a dragon on her back. This gave me a wonderful revelation. As we know, when Father Abraham looked down and saw Satan, he was just a tiny worm. In this natural world, he magnified himself so big as a scary shadow into a high and mighty snake that most culture highly regards this snake. But in Psalm 23:4 said that: 'Even though I walk through the valley of the Shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comforts me.'

This leads me to think of our beloved Lord Jesus. He is the Holy One that devils was so frightened when they saw Him on earth and asked Him what He wanted with them. Jesus is the Holy One that the whole world, those who don't know Him, is afraid. They are afraid that if they do not do good, they would go to hell and not to heaven. He is the Almighty and Powerful God, yet, He humbled Himself to become the Perfect Man, to be the Saviour of the whole world!

What an irony, the one who don't have anything, formed a shadow so big to let people worship and at the same time formed the unknown spiritual story to scare the daylight out of man. While the One, who really have the Power of the Whole Universe, came down from Heaven, born as a man and walked the Righteous path demanded by the Heavenly Law for man. And because man who cannot be the perfect man, have to die, as the 10 commandments said, when man failed 1 law, he failed them all and the penalty is death.

Jesus came from heaven and walked a Righteous Path and achieved the blessing of Deuteronomy 28 for man while He was stripes and burnt for the curses of Deuteronomy 28, that supposed to fall on man. He went to die for man at the Cross and redeemed all who believes Him, of all forms of curses and destruction. Glory Glory!

This also leads me to think of man natural self on earth. Many of us, without any pretentious act, will automatically want to prove ourselves and show our self worth to others, commonly known as status and power. But, do we really have it? No, all these are just chasing the wind as King Solomon said in Ecclesiastes. He is the richest man and the most powerful man and still is in present world. Yet, for all he had, he was not happy and found emptiness in self. He said in Ecclesiastes 4:4 'And I saw that all labor and all achievement spring from man's envy of his neighbour. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.'

It is when man realise that no matter how rich and how poor he is, he is just a breath created by the Almighty God, who loves him so much that sent his beloved Son, Lord Jesus Christ, to come down as man and to redeem him fully by His Grace and Mercy and called him the Son of God, washed clean by the Blood of Jesus, as white as snow, that he could come to rest in the Shalom Peace of God that he is highly blessed. Glory Glory!

In this season of Joy and Christmas, let us not forget who He is. The real wonderful and beloved Jesus, who bring us to the Love of Abba Father. For us to enjoy His Blessings and His Great Love. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Power of Lord

Do you know the Power of Lord Jesus? During my physical dad's funeral, my 3rd uncle, who is a fortune teller, came and talked to my mum. As I was next to him, he talked boastfully about knowing NCC and the pastor but I know he was talking nonsense and stopped listening to him.

Moment later, I sensed spiritual disturbance and prayed in the spirit. At the edge of my eyes, I saw my 3rd uncle, my mum's younger brother, turned to look at me. Anyway, I continued to pray in the spirit and did not bother about him. He went away after that. Haha...I did not realise this encounter had created much fear of me in him. Now I know that when I prayed in Spirit, Lord took the spirit away. Uncle faced monetary lost!

Recently, he called up to tell my mum that his youngest son is getting married and going to come and give my mum the invitation card. While waiting, mum warned me not to chase his spirit away as that was his livelihood. Then mum brought me to the encounter during the funeral and said he rushed off after that. We were expecting him to come, but haha...only his son, my cousin turn up. He dare not come! Glory Glory!

Mum was talking to her sister, my elder aunt about this 3rd uncle sons, that I heard something gone wrong in his 2nd son. From long ago, I know this cousin was a strong man and muscular too. Mum said he went for an operation and was now too weak to carry anything heavy. The family thought that he yet to recover from operation.

As I pondered, Lord revealed to me that his dad, my 3rd uncle, have kept 2 spirits. He used them for his fortune telling. But, in his ignorance, he did not realise there is a price to pay for using the spirits, the darkness. The aim of devil is soul, when one uses darkness, they pay with the blood of theirs or someone else. For SF, he gets his spirits to suck the blood of those he controlled. For my uncle, as he did not know, darkness is claiming the life of my cousin. His weakness is due to their daily consumption.

Lord revealed to me that long time ago, when SF was fighting me and very angry with me, he got all his spirits, 100+ of them, to suck the blood of ex. That was why ex was facing death in 2 days time (Lord resurrected him with His Blood when Lord led me to pray in the spirit that early morning). For my cousin, as he was sucked by 2 spirits only, he takes a longer time to face death. Lord revealed if this uncle continues in his game, my cousin will face death eventually. As uncle is ignorance of it, there is no way to help them this moment. Lord said He will save my cousin in due time and show my uncle who is God and who is devil.

I am glad that Lord raised me to be a healer and help is at hand when needed. Glory Glory! Lord revealed that my future wedding banquet will be a healing sessions for my relatives. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

By the way, from his boasting about sending the spirit to check my mum's house and had not seen any one in it, I can see that Abba Father, the God Most High in Heaven, is a Great Mighty God. Lord could revealed the past, the present and even the future of my mum's apartment, but spirit could only see for that moment. They do not have the wisdom of God! Permanent head damage! Haha!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Update

It has been a long time since my divorce was finalised in January. During the past 10-11 months, I had moved from still feeling for ex to now feel nothing for him anymore. Glory to Lord Jesus! Amen Amen!

Things have been shaping up that 2 different sets of lives are created. On my end, Jc received the regular stability. On his end, depends on how he treats her, I become a better mum or a worse mum.

Since that episode of meeting that cause Jc to loose her appetite, Jc was okay till he brought the girlfriend to pick up Jc last Saturday. It was a surprise for Jc, and an experience of loneliness for her.

She told me of they 3 slept in the same bed with daddy in the middle and hugging and caressing with the girlfriend. Jc experienced her first loneliness. Daddy brought her to a swim the next morning, after she woke up and saw the daddy on top of the girl, in crawl position. The girlfriend continued to sleep after that.

Rest of the day, ex and girlfriend cuddled together to watch TV, they both hugged and kissed often, both had fun time with each other (touching all over the body, as Jc described to me), while Jc was scared and hid in the room, walking up and down in that room. Poor her, daddy was having fun and forgotten about her!

The girlfriend did not talk to Jc the whole day, throughout the whole time they were together, she only asked Jc one question, which Jc did not hear properly and could not answer her. That girlfriend spent the whole day in front of the TV or playing games on facebook. While Jc spent the most lonely weekends there.

She hugged me tightly on return and said that I am a good mummy and she is happy to have me. She became so scared that when I get my new love, I would leave her alone. She worried so much that only at 1:30am, after much convincing from me and also my mum, she finally fallen asleep in my arms. This was only revealed later part of that night, after she complained much about she could not close her eyes to fall asleep.

I smsed to ex about what he had done that left Jc alone. He replied that I will be the same when I am in love. It was only when I smsed him about Jc's fear that he did something. Lord had said that ex and girlfriend cohabited since last week, but just now smsed him to ask if girlfriend will be around when Jc goes this week, he replied no and Jc is happy. Lord said that he had asked the girl to go somewhere over the weekend. Glory Glory!

Lord has revealed this girl did not like Jc, being that Jc is from the previous marriage. I do fear of Jc future with her. Lord revealed that this will lead to Jc to move away from that family. I will wait and see.

I thank Abba father and Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit for comforting me and bringing me out of this loveless marriage. Lord revealed that Jc will experience true fatherly love with the new man. I am waiting to see how different it is.

Guess Jc and me lack this family love that Lord will greatly bless me and Jc to experience. Glory Glory! Amen Amen! Thank you, Abba Father!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Sacrifice of Lord Jesus

Today, I am at Exodus 29, where Lord instructed Moses how to consecrate Aaron and his son and see a detailed description of how Jesus sacrifice for me. Glory Glory!

Exodus 29:12-13
'Take some bull's blood and put it on the horns of the altar with your finger, and pour out the rest of it at the base of the altar. Then take all the fat around the inner parts, the covering around the liver, and both the kidneys with the fat on them, and burn them on the altar.'

Exodus 29:14
'But burn the bull's flesh and its hide and its offal outside the camp. It is a sin offering'

To forgive us of our sins, Jesus, the Holy One, had to come down to earth, to be the bull of sacrifice. Our sins needs a bull, a big animal – greater sacrifice, and not a sheep. We need a Holy God to us cleared all our sins. That was how great our sins are. Lord's flesh, and the offal had to be judged outside the gates of Jerusalem, at Calvary. I was wondering why the liver was sacrifice here, then I realised we need the blood of Jesus to wash our sins away.

When He was being judged at the Cross, His blood was applied at the 4 corners of Heaven and all around the floor of Heaven. All His fats around the inner parts, the covering of the liver, and both the kidneys with the fat on them are burnt in heaven to an aroma for Lord God to show that all the sins are judged and forgiven. Glory Glory! Hallelujah!

Exodus 29:15-18
'Take one of rams, and Aaron and his sons shall lay their hands on its head. Slaughter it and take the blood and sprinkle it against the altar on all sides. Cut the ram into pieces and wash the inner parts and the legs, putting them with the head and the other pieces. Then burn the entire ram on the altar. It is a burnt offering to the Lord, a pleasing aroma, an offering made to the Lord by fire.'

Jesus as a burnt offering to Father God, His whole being is being sacrificed. That is how Jesus at the Cross has sacrificed for us, as our sin offering and burnt offering. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!