Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Mighty Hand of Lord

Recently, Lord got me to watch ‘The Passion of The Christ’ again. I have been lacking in the feeling for Lord Jesus sacrifice and decided to watch this movie again. I get Lord to give me His full wisdom and to understand the whole event well. Praise the Lord, I have a better understanding of Lord Jesus.

Previously, my impression of Lord Jesus was that He was a God that walking on earth. As such, I felt that He going to the cross was not so bad as He has all the Godly power to protect Himself. Then I got to know that Lord Jesus walk on this earth as a man with full anointing of the gifts of Holy Spirit. With this, I still think He has all the power to protect Himself from the suffering.

It was when I get Lord to let His emotion to be mine and His thoughts to be mine, I wanted a full revelation of what Lord Jesus went through. Then I realised that Lord Jesus, being God, He knew what He was going to face in Getsemane. That’s why Mark 14:33-34 ‘He took Peter, James and John along with him, and He began to be deeply distressed and troubled. “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death,” he said to them.’

I realised that even with full set of gifts given to Him, Lord Jesus was still a fresh and blood man. It’s like me anointed with the gift of healing, but if Lord does not rise up in me, I am still myself. It’s when spending time in worship and praise or the Words of Christ or sermons that the Spirit Man rises up, and then I am more stable in Him. Being a man, Lord Jesus did have fear and worries about facing torture for our sins and curses. That’s why Mark 14:35-36 ‘he fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from him. “Abba, Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.”’

As a Man fearing what He had to gone through, He prayed to Daddy God to take this cup of sin from Him. In my initial walk, Lord did give me instruction to approach strangers to offer healing prayer. It’s not easy just to approach anyone, without feeling the shyness. I did let my shyness prevent me from approaching. Lord test me more than once, I did offer prayer sometime later. Praise the Lord!

Lord Jesus, as a man, if given the choice, He would hope that He could back off. But in the prayer, He realised that to save us, He could not deny taking up that cup of sin, so in the end, He said that “not what I will, but what you will.” He loves His Father and He obeyed Him.

I love it when on the way to the cross, He told His mum that, “I made all things new” 2 Corinthians 5:17 ‘if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!’ I am one that through Lord Jesus, what I am now is no longer the same old self 2 years ago. Praise the Lord!

Lord Jesus, thank You very much! Even though You were fearful, knowing that You would be tortured, You believed in Daddy God and walked the path lighted by Lord to You, because You walked the path to forgive my sins and redeemed me from the pit of hell, I thank You that now, I can walk the path of righteousness and the light Lord lit to me is getting brighter and brighter.

Praise You that You died young so that I can live long to serve You, 140 years old as You revealed to me. Praise You, the creator of all the diamonds and hide all the gold, You died poor so that I could inherit all You riches. You were imputed with all my sicknesses so that I could stay healthy. You took away old age and death, so that I could be blessed with a renewal of youth to age 20. Lord, I thank You very much for all that You have done for me. Thank You for dying in my place so that I could approach Daddy God in Your place and have such a beloved Daddy God, who takes good care of me. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Amen! Amen!

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