Saturday, October 24, 2015

Forced to Dress Up

I am not one who like to show off and since I am staying in this center, I took it as home and I dress in the comfortable shirts and shorts!!!

But doing this secretary job, the boss wants no shorts nor 3/4 pants but a full length one. I have only 2  pants and they are harder to dry.

I protest to the change in wearing outing clothes here but finally give in to the commandment and got praised from what I wore yesterday!!!

Just now, went to the shop that sells donated clothes and I found another pair of pants to add to my stock to cover the weekly needs.

Not easy to be a woman!!!

Just talked to Lord in His Words and He said staying here is a test of my down and out, in this nothingness do I still trust Him.

For me, in this nothingness, I only left Him alone and if I don't trust Him, who then I trust???

Even the friend of mine could not continue to stay here as she cannot stand others remarks on her and choose to change to day care!!! At least she has a home to go to!!!

But to me, it means I have to be independent and eat alone my meals when she is not around.

In a way, all these training is for future when Lord's Glory shining so brightly in me and to be so high means lesser people to be close to too!!!

Even now when I talked to those of lower faith in the Lord and His Abilities to do Good, they look to man while I am talking God's Grace and His Abundance!

It's like cat talk to dog, they could not flow in my wave length and have to agree to disagree in the dialogue!!!

I forsee much of such people around and only the few would flow in the same wave frequency!!!

I am not proud but just so few of them, the Christians, who walk closely with the Lord. While I have 10 years behind me. How to talk to them about the Goodness in the lacks???

Anyway, just mumming here!

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