Saturday, January 15, 2011

My Journey with the Lord

These 4 years plus of walking with the Lord, there are 4 cases that leave a strong memory in me. I like to share with you the recall of these adventures.

I was a young Christian, so full of the Lord from the day in day out listening to Pastor Prince sermons to learn about Jesus, for Lord said in the bible, if I look to His Kingdom and His Righteousness, all that I need will be provided. I believed in Him and had per day listened from morning to night His Words. Glory to His Leading!

There was this night, just after bible study, as I was on my way home in the LRT, Lord led me to alight a station before mine. With me was another lady of my mum's age. Lord led me to talk about the goodness of Jesus and also about Lord could bring the husband back on those wives that suffered from adulterous husband. Her faith was risen up that she promised to go church with her daughter. The daughter was unable to convince her. Lord sent me to talk to her about Jesus! Glory Glory!

During my learning driving time, I was always reading the bible before my sessions. Somehow, I didn't know how this lady came to talk to me about her family problem. She was pretty untidy and her teeth were very dirty. She was someone I would not stop to talk at all. But as Lord led, I know she needed the word of Jesus and had encouraged her about Jesus and looked past her untidiness to see she was a lost sheep that needed Jesus!

Sis likes to bring cases for me to pray healing. There this case someone's father, she heard had fallen unconscious from stroke and had laid in coma in the ICU. I heard that he suffered at Wednesday but we only heard about it on Sunday.

I consulted Lord and went to Hospital to pray for him. As we were getting ourselves to flow with the Lord, I could see his big family members probably some had stayed over night and looked tired. It was hard to concentrate in their presence but finally we managed.

As we call the nurse to open the door to let us into ICU to pray for him, his relatives overheard his name and was surprised. As we prayed, the sister, parents and wife was outside his room wondering what we were doing. As I prayed for dad unconsciousness before, I was surprised by Lord's short prayer.

As from dad, to rise him was a long prayer in the spirit and to release him to die was a short prayer. I thought I was praying for healing but when he died the next afternoon, Lord finally revealed that his wife had prayed to Lord to let him go back to Him, to relief him from the coma. Another surprised was what my sis said to the wife after that. She let his wife realised that we were sent there by the Lord. Heard that after his funeral, the wife who was a Catholic, came to NCC service! Glory to Jesus!

I never know that I was living with a husband who was cheating on me and a big time liar. All that he said to me were lies. He was smart and climbed the high career ladder and earning a good income. All the years with him I had many question marks on things he did with me. But when Lord told me his heart was not with me, everything became clear. He was good at comforting when I need it at the worst time, but otherwise, he was a law giver, me to follow his way.

Coming to Lord and a doer of His Words, I became teaching him to trust the Lord, but somehow since he cannot controlled me any more, he threatened me to choose Christianity or him. And decided high time to come into light about His looking for other girls. He began talking about he had how many percentage want to divorce me and how many percent that he was still thinking over it. He is the man that took lightly a wife's forgiveness. He said my forgiveness mean nothing to him.

At that time, I was trusting Jesus to change him that I never stop caring about him. But I did not realised I was in his game. To gain my trust and to turn that against me. I gone through so much pains with him, from trying to save him from his boss cum 'good friend' black magic controlling him to fighting with the boss and they both ganged up to curse me, using food, my personal stuff and using my birth date to cast the spell.

As I walked in Lord's Grace, I cast all anger and sadness to Lord for Him to clear them away from me, I have no desire to fight him. Just that after so many round of spiritual fighting, my sis and mum already condemned him and want judgment on him. For me, I leave it to the Lord. Glory Glory!

I was loving him when I divorced him. Even with Lord preparing me in May, I was still very sad in July 2009. Court order was in October 2009 and Finalised January 2010. Even with that my heart was still with him. It was Lord that patiently through the 10 months of discovery of his lies, one after another that my love bank on him was drawn till negative. But as I asked Lord to clear all my pains, hurts and unhappiness, I do not have the stink of pain when I see him each week. Just that now with the full knowledge of how he played his tricks with me, when I knew he was doing it, I just don't bother about such a man anymore.

Lord is a faithful father. He knows I had never experience true love before, He opened my eyes to see what true love is and then lead me out of this loveless marriage. In my stringent selection, I found a liar of liar of women, one who nature self and what he is thinking in his heart is different. Whenever he wants information he would be friendly, after that he became not cooperative. He is a past in my life that I am glad that in my unknown, Lord leads me out and then show me he is not worthy for my love. When Lord first said that, I was puzzled. As He opened this can of worms for me to see, finally, I believed all that Lord had disclosed. Gory Glory!

I am glad that in my blindness, I have a Abba Father that loved me so much and don't want me to continue in this cheated life. He wants to bless me a good marriage. I am so grateful to all that He had done for me. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

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