Monday, November 15, 2010

The Eagle

It is an eye opening to go Sunday service and let Reverend Col Stringer bathed me with the magnificent of eagles, what Lord Jesus had died to put me there. Glory Glory!As I heard him talked about crows have to busy flapping his wings to get anywhere where eagles waited upon the hot current of Jesus to sail the sky, above all the problems of this world. Glory Glory!

As he was talking about eagles, I was wondering what Lord is trying to tell me about Him. I was captured by the description of Tornado, when those in the world faced it - houses fly and vehicles overturn and all over the place. But for eagles, they headed for the Tornado and have fun in the forces of nature.

I was wowing over this when I realised what Lord have been leading me. At this point of my life, it is the start of the next mega storm but I am in the mid of the Shalom Peace. Glory Glory!

After delaying my ex for a couple of weeks on my CPF statement, he had came real forceful and eager to force me to get it out. He had wanted it on Saturday but I told him Sunday, his patience was running thin. But the moment he had the print out in his hand, it was like he won the big price on lottery, and had some laughter and fun with Jc. It was sick to see him switch his mood like lighting. Lord placed me in His Peace and I was not affected.

I was in peace but mum and Su were not. Mum don't know about the goodness of Jesus and had nagged ways of counter shoot for me. Su was also heated up when she heard of what Lord had revealed about ex. Actually, Jc told me was around 7+pm last night and I wondered when Jc would be back and sms ex. He was in the car with Jc and had told Jc, “Never!” but he replyed that, “you missed her?”

This is the plan he had, to transfer my name out of this apartment and put Jc name in to form the family unit needed by HDB. Lord revealed that he is going to use this apartment for his next marriage. But he has no intention to put the girl's name in the apartment. He wanted the gain of this apartment to himself. Yes, I was sick of his selfishness but as I am in the Shalom Peace, I don't be bothered by it. Glory Glory!

I know Lord will surely move me out of here before the apartment goes to him. Surely I will. Glory Glory! Lord let me experienced the Mega Peace of God just like the Eagle above the current of heat on earth. I had been in this position for a long time and realise this is the position of Eagle at the sermon. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

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