Friday, August 20, 2010

The God Most High

Glory Glory! I am so glad to experience first hand the tactics of the devil. From Psalm 103:4 ' redeems your life from destruction' finally comes true in my life! Once again, Lord Jesus proves that He is the God Most High. No whatever black magic are going to triumph over Him; they are just tiny flies in His eyes that He don't even bother to look but for the sake of His Beloved, He shut them off. Glory Glory! It's like his decipher in the boat in Galilee and facing a great storm. He was waken by the cries of His charge and at the command of 'Peace', great storm and high sea become calm peaceful lake. Glory Glory!

Yesterday, even without ex sponsoring, that fly tried one more trick. Lord is faithful as I walked closely with Him. It is written 1 John 1:7 'But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one other, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sins.' With His constant washing of Jesus blood all over me, satan could not touch me. I was ignorance to the happening. Lord came in me to rebuke all symptom of sickness and I wondered why?

I was praying Psalm 91 protection when Lord gave me a vision of fly sending his whole idol table front, one big rectangle in red design as you see from those idol practice. Before that, he even sent a red evil hand to check my presence in the house. Lord asked me to ignore the hand. I even ignored the idol table coming! I just concentrated on my prayer and Lord delivered me. As easy as ABC or just a tiny breath to blow it off. Glory Glory!

In my early years as a Christian, I heard from Pastor Mark that no curse could get to Christian as Lord Jesus on the Cross had fully Redeemed us from it. Glory Glory! Pastor Mark was recalling his Hokkien friend had fooled around and met a Christian girl, who refused to let him go. He was frustrated of the pestering and went Thailand to get someone to curse her. That one who put the curse did not know the girl is a Christian.

After 3 months, the friend still pestered by the girl and went Thailand to check again. He found the one, who cursed the girl, dying from the curse. Instead of the girl get the curse, she called on the name of Jesus and was delivered. The judgment had fallen on the one who cursed. In the end, this friend of Pastor Mark had to come to receive Jesus and Lord helped him to deliver from the girl's pestering. Glory Glory!

Abba father has told me this morning that judgment will fall on fly. I asked Lord isn't I supposed to bless him? This is Lord's reply:

'My beloved, abba will put enmity with fly. Abba will not let him go free. Surely, he will be charge for coming against my beloved. My love, you bless him to release your hatred towards him. But I will judge the sin. All sicknesses and death he had given you, I will double judge him. Otherwise, how to protect my own sheep? Glory Glory! Amen Amen!'

I am glad that I have Abba father with me. I can be a blur sheep at time, but Lord is a Faithful and Loving God, and most of all, He is the God Most High!!! With the assurance that my Daddy is so Powerful and so Mighty, I just rest in His blossom and let Him continues to love me to new height. I just rest in His Peace and see Him perform Mighty works through me. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

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