Monday, May 10, 2010

Jesus, My Saviour

Today I went to the first service of Abba Kingdom. From an index finger lock to a neck lock and mouth full of ulcers to brain tumor and neck node, Lord healed me all. When Pastor Prince sensed the cooling breeze of Lord Jesus, I prayed to Lord to surround me in His Breeze. It was cooling and flowing like light wind. Glory to Lord Jesus!

I have not know I had a brain tumor. I only know that there is something round there that I thought is part of the brain when Lord showed to me for a few days. Today my left neck has a small pain and grow into a lock at the service.

Abba is merciful. Even this blurred daughter did not stop Him from showing His Grace. I felt a strong cold air pressing upon my head. After that I felt my head light, no more having that growth. Abba unlocked my neck and my knee pain. Glory Glory! I sensed strong attacks coming on me that I prayed to Lord Jesus, 'Not by Power, Not by Might but by His Spirit, block all satanic work from coming against me. Lord is faithful. He is my Redeemer. Glory Glory!

Abba is doing great thing in my life. He is slowly letting My ex sees a new me; slowly one area to another area. Glory Glory! He is changing his image about me. Glory Glory!

Lord is good when I trusted Him. Jc last week had a 'Speak with a Oomph' She was to remember a passage on Sentosa Luge and to present to the class. Lord led me to let her understood what she was presenting. From there then correct her voice and her speed of talking. Glory Glory! Lord helped her memorise it that even when she returned home that day till night, she could remember the passage well. She was among the 5 that get a prize for being good in the presentation. Glory to Lord Jesus! Amen Amen!

Abba brings my mum to stay with me. This living together improves our relationship. Glory to Lord Jesus! She also rise my cleanliness level. I am cleaning the house more than ever. Glory to Lord Jesus! His Grace removed my tiredness and let me do everything with ease. His yoke is light. Glory Glory!

After my ex has a good opinion in this area, Lord next get ex to think my sexual desire has risen. Lord first got me and ex to have sex last week. I found Lord has added some new sensation in me. Glory to Him! My ex was surprised and enjoyed! Next, Lord made me horny a few times to let me sent him sms on offering free sex. From there, ex thinks that my desire has risen. Lord is slowly getting him to know the new me. Glory Glory!

It is interesting how Jesus move in my life. Whatever he wants me to do, he knows that by triggering a certain reaction, I would have corresponding action. Most time when he wanted me to do something, this way of triggering is His Way of telling me. Glory Glory! It's like when He needs me to preach to someone, He gave me a strong desire to talk to someone. Then I will search my contact and make a call. Surely, in the conversation, then I realised Lord leading me to point Him to the person in need.

Just like last midweek bible study, usually I would be at Gallery West, but Su said she wanted to be in Rock due to her husband in the choir. So I went along. Lord impressed her to go queue at a certain time. When I reached there, He made me wanted to talk to the one in front of me in the queue. But as I didn't, we talked before the service started. She was facing spiritual attack and in sadness. After pointing Jesus to her and clearing her doubts, she is full of fire for Jesus again. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

I saw new direction the church is heading to. It's all as Lord has planned. Glory Glory! Abba Father, thank You for all the leading. I am very glad to be your delivery girl. Surely surely, this whole body is yours. I surrender fully to You, for the Glory of Lord Jesus! Amen Amen!

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