Monday, September 27, 2010

Abba's calling to His Children

My beloved, Abba is coming through Stephanie to talk to all of you. In this end time, I am coming through Stephanie to heal the sick and raise the dead. She is the main healer risen by me to do the job. Why I choose her instead of someone else?

The reason is very simple. I have for 5 years looking at 200,000 children of God. I have instructed them on different areas of things to obey. I give many orders and I tested many times, if you check with Stephanie or even Su, they will tell you that the test is so many that they cannot count how many times I had test them. Glory Glory!

From the 200,000 children of God, whom I had told them about rising them as healer, only Su and Stephanie responded to me always. Be it what silly, humiliating things I asked them to do. They both obeyed me to the T. That's why I love them so much and bless them to be my healers.

Long ago, they learnt to pass their body, soul, spirit to me. Leaning closely to me and letting me come through them to do everything in their lives. As they walked with me, I am able to come in and out of them freely. They free Me to do My Job and thus, end my search for another children of God to do the job. I will be coming through them strongly in this end time. When they go out to heal the sick, that will be My second coming.

I have set Stephanie's life as the marking of Jesus walk on this earth. It will be a 1500 years of walk. Much to many children of God's prediction, rapture is not happening yet. I am getting many lost sheep back to me in this 1500 years of walking on earth. After Stephanie passed away at the age of 1500, it is the time you have to watch out for. The rapture will hit from 2 weeks from her death to 2 years, as Stephanie has prayed. She hope to give more lost sheep to come back to me.

Yes, after the Grace of Jesus expired on this earth, all the saints will come back to me and judgment will be on those who remains. If you wonder if salvation is a 1 time acceptance of Jesus, yes, it is. When a sinner faithfully accepted Jesus, s/he will be saved. It's those that said without sincere heart that will be left behind. I look at your heart, what your heart speaks, not your mouth lies. Glory Glory!

My Dear, time is short, I want all of you to read my words and meditate my words. Only those with sincere heart and are not proud of self that I am able to come through. Those that tries to force me to come through them to heal the sick and raise the dead for their personal glory, they are hitting the wall. I will not come through them. It's My Will, not your will. Have you listen to me and read my words and submit to my commands?

Smith Wigglesworth have listened and obeyed to me, so have Stephanie and Su. How about you?

Abba Father speaking through Stephanie. Hope you hear Me and start to come in line with My Plan. The time is short and I need many armies. Are you willing to come in line with my plan and obey My commandment?

Listen to Pastor Prince of New Creation Church sermons, from 2000 to current. I came through him to preach about Jesus. As you learn about what Jesus had done for you, you will find out My Love for you. As you lean on me like John and Mary, you will learn of My Love and let me come through you to do the job. Are you willing to line up to my kingdom plan?

Glory Glory! I am writing this post because many of you, my beloved, is still wondering in the wilderness. I need many to come in line and let me come through. If you think human can do my work without Me coming through them, it's a big NO! Glory Glory!

Focus on Jesus always and let me lift you up. In due time, when you let me come through you, you will be usable for My Kingdom purpose. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Lord the Restorer

My mum has this self-appointed enemy, who background is a questionably bad neighbour, who was linked to the black society. Since we shifted into this apartment block when I was 10 years old, this neighbour had wanted my mum to partner her in relieving her from trouble. Her suggestion was easy, if any case the police is to look up her, she will tie a bag linking my mum rubbish bin to hers. She said in event of raid, she would cut the string and let the bag falls to my mum side of the bin. Of course my mum disagreed.

From then on, for years, this neighbour has constantly poison my mum's plants. My mum would pour lots of water to dilute the chemical. It went on till my dad died in March 2008. Things started to get lost from home, money, my dad's collection of old currency, to daily foodstuff and daily things, like bamboo stick, washing detergent. This lasted for 2 years, we called police but they always replied no concrete evidence, hence no action. Situation get worst. From they entry to her apartment when mum is downstairs to recently, 2 weeks ago.

Early this year, the MP for her area went around the block, since police can't do anything, I suggested she talked to the MP. However, that morning, the man around the MP, brushed my mum's request for help aside and said her daughters will help. Since mum could not get help from MP, we stop pursuing these invisible thieves.

One Friday morning, mum was shocked to find her main door and gate was unlocked. Praise the Lord that my mum did ledge up the inner ledge, so there is no way for the intruder to enter. Mum was so fearful that night that she could not sleep. Saturday, over the main gate ledge problem, we called the police and told them the dispute between this neighbour. These 2 policemen were more experienced then all the rest that came. One of them suggested that we put powder on the floor. I was clueless how to do it without letting the intruder know and brushed it off. Lord's wisdom impressed me to put powder on the mattress outside the bathroom, in front of the stove and entry to the kitchen.

That night, mum went back with me. Glory Glory! After 1 week, we went back to find some footprint. Glory Glory! Police came, then the CID came, he checked that my mum is not senile and believed her words. Forensic expert was called in to take the food print DNA. Glory Glory! CID advised we go get a letter from the police station.

Today, the policeman that was protecting the MP called Su, he and the resident committee chairman were meeting and wanted us to join them. Praise the Lord, they had disbelieved mum during the MP walk around, thinking mum has gone crazy from thinking too much of dad. Today, they ate humble pie! Glory to Jesus who restored my mum's dignity! Amen Amen!

Next, we went to the MP as directed by the police, to request for CCTV loan from Town Council. I didn't know Lord purpose was to let the MP know that mum is not senile and her house really have intruder. It took quite a while for the idea to sink into her brain. I praise Lord whom restored mum's dignity. Now, no more people can deny her claim. Glory Glory! Amen Amen!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

To Walk in Love

The other day, went to Sid Roth, 'It's Supernatural', to watch the latest show. Mel Bond, the invited guest speaks of walking in Love is the greatest resistance to devil.

As I was meditating this walking in Love, since Lord has led me to walk in love, to bless the enemy instead of curse them, I am trying to walk more in Grace of Jesus, trying not to condemn in anger when Jc's laid back, don't bother about her school work. I am trying to use Grace to encourage her instead of pointing to her lack and scolded her, pushing her to her ends. The more I push, the more she detest me and rebelled in silence.

While meditating on walking in Love, my mum came over to my place and I was sharing with her about Jesus and the spiritual world. At certain point, we talked about emotional feelings. She was asking me if remembrance of my dad is it good. I was telling her that Lord Jesus let us recall about our love one without the pain and the hurt. As Lord revealed, He shared that all emotional feeling, we human take it as part of our feelings, but in the spiritual world, they are all spirits.

Lord was sharing that example we feel angry about someone, this anger feeling is an anger spirit. Many of us thought of if we just contain in our heart, and don't show it out, it will just goes off. But Lord shared that since this is an anger spirit, by keeping it inside you, you are keeping a evil spirit in your body. This spirit could manifest into some bad behaviour or sickness.

We man cannot contain it. The only way out is to pass it to Lord and Lord will clear the spirit away from us. When Lord opens my eyes to this truth, I realise why I must walk in love, for Jesus is about Love and Abba Father is also the God of Love. It's when I walk in Love, I am walking with Jesus and with Abba Father. With this revelation, finally, I realise I want to walk in this Love, and not let the devil make use of me in any form of his ways.

With this revelation, even when talking to people that come against Grace, Lord leads me to talk in Grace, to explain in Love, to not condemn anyone. Glory Glory! It's only with Holy Spirit in me, I could walk out this love. I am so glad that Lord leads me to this revelation of Love and to walk in His Love commandment. Glory Glory!

Abba Father, thank You for this profound yet simple truth. Thank You for Your Grace in leading me to walk out this Love. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Amen Amen!