Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The End Time

As the events around Israel is developing, it's as what Lord told me about they going to attack Israel all over. As I watched on TV, I saw a baby and woman in the flotilla. The immediate image that come into my mind was, what is a baby and woman doing in such a mission? In sensible mind, if the mission is an important one, why would they put baby and woman on it? Only reason is to create a sensation around the world and rise up the sentiment of the people.

Have you ever wonder why, you having accepted Jesus, is the Righteousness of God in Christ, and yet, troubles is attacking you? This is the way how devil will act against the children of God. They don't know what is by right, they go by left, which means they ignore all rules and regulation and they act like a big bully, but they are little flies.

As we, children of God stands firm on our promises, Lord is faithful to deliver us. He said in the bible that those who bind on earth will to bound in heaven. He is always faithful as you look to Jesus, our Saviour and Deliverer.

The attacks on Israel will get more as devil wants to stop Jesus from coming. I heard plans of soldiers ready and missiles ready, in term of tens of thousands. Lord is watching over Israel and He surely will deliver them from the evil attacks. Glory to Lord Jesus! Amen Amen!

My love, as the world is getting darker and darker, look to Jesus, the deliverer. He has completed all that you need and you just have to look at His Finished Work at the cross and proclaim that He has delivered you from your bondage. Abba will surely free you from them all. Glory Glory!

The world will get darker and darker. But do not worry, my beloved, abba is always close to you. As you call on the name of Jesus, my deliverance will surely come. Glory Glory. This tiny work by the devil is not going to stop Jesus from coming. Abba is a Mighty God, what the devil trying to create in this world will not stop me from coming. Abba mighty hand is on all situations. Look to Jesus and proclaimed all that I have completed for you, surely, as you look to me(Jesus), I will come though you to deliver you from all bandages. Glory to Lord Jesus! Amen Amen!

My love, continues to look to me, and see my hands on Israel and on all my children. Come under my wings and I will surely free you from all harm. Hallelujah! Amen Amen!

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