Thursday, April 23, 2009

Do I know you?

My tour group members is discus about this verse and I decided to see what Abba revelation is. He impress me to share here too. Here it goes:

Matthew 7:21 "Not everyone who says 'Lord Lord', will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in Heaven'

Abba: Glory to Lord Jesus. He, who had gone to the Cross has cleansed many, who come to Him and Believe in Him.

Abba is glad that you meditate to find the truth of this verse. Why I said so:
In the end time, all people will come to me, My children of God and those that had not accepted Jesus. Everyone will call Me 'Lord Lord' when they realise Lord is God.

However, I will tell those who have not accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour that I do not know them. I know every one of my child of God by Name. I even know how much hairs they have on their heads. I am in them, how can I not know them?

Tell my children of God that once they accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour, Holy Spirit is with them. They are not the same as those, who did not accept Christ. Even though they might live the life the same as those that did not have Christ in them.

My Son has done a Perfect Work on the Cross. Those, who have accepted him, surely, I will know who they are. They have Christ in them. Whether they enjoy the fruit of this Righteousness and being bless by Me is another matter.

This they have to fully believe in what Jesus did for them, walk the life Jesus provided, know more about who is Jesus and what have He achieved victory for them.

When they know how much Abba has loved them, I will then bless them and use them. Tell my Child this.

Glory to Lord Jesus.Amen and Amen!


May you be blessed by this revelation! This is what I heard from the revelation Lord shared through Pastor Prince too.

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Grace of Jesus II

Sunday, in New Creation Church, Pastor Lian preached great sermon on the Love of God. Praise the Lord!

So far, my understanding of why Lord Jesus cut a covenant for us is because He is without sin while we have our sinful nature. Also, we cannot be eternal like Jesus could. Sunday, Pastor Lian opened my eyes to see a new meaning on this Great Sacrifice by Lord and what a Great covenant Abba father has given us.

Pastor Lian demonstrated the covenant cutting between God the Father and Jesus Christ in place of Abraham. Lord through Pastor Lian disclosed that we could not cut this covenant with God because, in a covenant cutting, all of God goodness is given to us. At the same time, all of us supposed to give to God. But we are not giving all of us to God, we are only giving all our bad to Him. The good of us we keep. As such, we cannot be the one cutting. Lord Jesus could because He give His body, soul and spirit to God for us in exchange of all the Goodness of God for us. We are more than conqueror in this deal. We keep our good and received all the blessings of God in our life. Glory Glory! What a revelation!!!

Pastor Lian also show how a Child of God, which is the righteousness of God in Christ not receiving blessings. She used the life of Abraham and Lot, his nephew. Lot exposed his daily life (hearing and looking) to all the sins in the place he stayed that his spirit was tormented. His life was not blessed. He had to run away from the town empty handed because that town was being judged. He also lost his wife in the process. He pregnanted his 2 daughters that gave rise to confused relationship. Their children don't know should call Lot their grandfather or father.

While, Abraham exposed himself to God Words, reading the stars Lord shown to him and looking at the blood covenant of Jesus that was provided. Through his daily looking and hearing God words and looking at Jesus Sacrifice at the cross, he was greatly blessed by God. Praise the Lord!!!

So, do you want to be like Abraham and get greatly blessed or looking and hearing the world news about the bad and looking at sin and not blessed like Lot?

Lord Jesus said chose the one good thing Mary did, sitting at His Feet. Don't be like Martha looking around many mouth to feed ...and within her...the inability to cook for so many of them.

Thank You, Abba, to speak so clearly to me! Hallelujah!!! Amen & Amen!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Grace of Lord Jesus

After some displeasure last night, today I woke up with no feeling of Lord Jesus Love. I ask Abba father to teach me to have feeling of Love for him. Abba told me to look to Jesus. This is what I wrote on a tiny piece of paper that Lord wants me to share here. Praise the Lord!

Goodness of Jesus done for me:

Jesus died at the cross for me
He wore the crown of thorns
His whole body was striped beyong recognition
He sweat blood
He was burnt for my sin
He walked a perfect life for me
He paid my death

With this,

I need not go hell
I need not suffer lack
I need not go through curses of old age, poor health, death
I need not go through a normal life
I have an abundance, well-provided life
I need not worry my kids study, career, nor marital partner.
All my boredom, anxiousness, anger, hopeless was taken by Jesus!
All my husband career taken care of.
Lord improved our health
Lord change me, dd, hubby for a better person
Save my whole family

After writing this list, then I realised how much Abba father has been blessing me. With this, my love for His goodness and Grace flows back again. Hallelujah! Amen & Amen!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Life there after

Abba father has told me that once you accepted Christ, your Salvation is secured. How many of you believe? I still read in forums that in order to go to heaven, baptism in water and spirit is a must to complete the process. Let me ask you, for those who are at the death bed, how are they going to get their water baptism? Or those that left only 1 breath to accept Christ, how are they going to receive this Salvation?

Abba father has made it as easy as ABC. Long ago, he instructed me to get this lady with low IQ to accept him by saying 'Jesus, save me!'. Just by saying this, the lady was reborned again, praise the Lord! Many children of God is still arguing about bible verses and using it to put each other down. They even used God's name to say things like let God judge a certain person that they are not happy with. Do they know the greatness of what Jesus done on the cross?

Many a time, even when I fallen from Grace, even if it was against Lord, He brings me back to Him again. Even my sis ever scolded him, Abba father love her very much. He knows her heart believe in Him and loves Him. Lord Jesus has given all the children of God His Righteousness of GOD in CHRIST. We, the child of God, each of us are joined together in His Vine. We are all part of the branches. By His Grace, Lord Jesus washed us whiter than snow 24hr * 7. Are you saying that He did not do a good job and certain child of God is still covered by dirt?

Let the veil drop from your eyes and behold the beauty of what Lord Jesus has done on the Cross. He has taken all the sins of the world and He proclaimed that 'IT IS DONE!' before He let go of his last breath. His blood and broken body are now our Holy Communion to get His Health. He was burnt that the richness of His fat produces the Anointed Oil to protect you and keep you away from adversary disturb. In Him, Health, Prosperity, Peace, Rest are found. Instead of quarreling with each other, Lord would like His Children to dwell in Him, be conscious of Him and His Goodness, so that adversary cannot use each of you to kill each other.

As Abba lead me to read Book of John, these 2 verses caught my attention. There are some old folks that concerned of if their body is cremated, how are they going to raise. This is what Lord revealed to me. May you share with your old relatives, who wonder about this. Abba first asked me if I believe that all who accepted Christ will surely receive their salvation and going back to Him. I told him 'yes, I believe.' Then Abba reveal this to me:

John 5:28 'Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice'

Abba: Abba father will rise those who are dead alive. Be they are cremated or bury, this is just their bodies. The soul that is not with me are with devil. There will be a time I will judge the darkness. Those souls, who are taken by him, will hear Me.

John 5:29 'and come out - those who have done good will rise to live, and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned.'

Abba: As you know, man cannot fulfill the 10 commandment. As such, I will ask the souls, if they are willing to accept Jesus. Those who accept will be allow to go to my place. Those souls who rejected me will be condemned.'

Abba is very consistent in His Gospel preached through Pastor Prince and this revelation. I am glad that there is another chance for those who died without knowing Jesus or have not accepted him. Abba is so gracious that he will give them another chance to come to Jesus. This is all made available by the Grace of Lord Jesus, all that He had done at the cross. So child of God, do you still quarreling who is right or wrong? Do not dwell in the tree of Good and Evil. Come to the tree of Life and live a life more abundantly.

Abba father, I pray that your child of God read this post with an unveil heart and eyes by the Grace of Lord Jesus. May they realise the Goodness of Jesus in their lives. I pray in Jesus Almighty Name! Amen and Amen!

PS: Praise the Lord! Just now at 12noon, Lord displayed a rainbow around the sun in Singapore. No Condemnation!!! Hallelujah!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Are you teachable?

Before going to this Israel trip, Lord told me that I would be sharing room with a stranger instead of Wk. At that time, he told me that the purpose was to bring that lady close to Him. What I didn't know is Lord actually planned quite a few people for me to lead close. All from different level of faith. From those who wonder how they should go about doing something to those that believe in Law. On the last day of the trip, Lord told me that of the 7 I point Lord Jesus to, 5 received and 2 rejected. Lord showed me visions of the faces of those who believe and those who reject.

My room mate knows the Lord pretty well, I was wondering why Lord ask me to lead her close. She was from another church but has listened to Pastor Prince sermons when it was 'interesting' and her customer who is from NCC would buy the sermon for her. Generally she trust the Lord, but come to her body sickness, she trust the doctor more. She was delivered of her high blood pressure 10 yrs ago. But she is still taking her high blood pressure pills. She said that if she does not take, she will get stroke. I told her that she was cursing herself by saying that. But she just refused to believe the power of the tongue. She told me she is trusting the Lord! She is one of those that Lord said she rejected Him. Lord actually wanted to bless her gift shop abundantly. As she refuse, Lord said will bless her minimal as usual. Hiaz...

As we got off the boat at Galilee, we were introduced to shop at the shop nearby. As I am not a shopping person, I felt bored and moved around the shop two rounds. Then I walked out the shop and found a lady from our tour group. Her church did not preach the Grace message. Lord lead me to share my initial walk with Jesus to her and soon after, her elder sis joined her. This elder sister had sleepy eyes. As I preached about Lord Jesus goodness to them, her eyes opened wider. A few days later at Jerusalem, Lord got me to share with them again, I am glad that they received the Grace message readily. The elder sis eyes were more alert after the 2nd sharing. Praise the Lord!

I was out of the Israel Museum and leader and a couple of others were standing around. Then this lady talked about she was to start leading the care group worshiping and don't know how to go about it. Lord shared about how sis trust him and teaches her to depend on Lord Jesus for solution. Praise the Lord!

At one of the dinner time, a lawyer joined sis and me. When talked about following Jesus, I was asking him how he follow. He said everything we receive by Grace. Even learning about how Jesus go around earth and copying Him is by Grace. I tried to tell him about let the spirit lead. But it was hard to argue against a lawyer. I gave up. Lord said that he rejected Him too.

On the Al El plane, Lord got HL, Su's hubby, to wanting to change seat. In the end, Lord actually want me to preach to that lady almost the whole journey to Israel. She prayed to Lord that she didn't want to work but want to spend time with Him. Lord blessed her 5 yrs stay at home. But her learning has not improve much. She is still trying to find out what Lord said in the bible. Lord came out to talk personally to her not to waste her time deedee dady. Time for her to buck up. Lord disclosed that going to raise her as a Teochew Pastor and want her to get Pastor Prince 2002-2006 sermons to learn. Lord said that all that she want to find out, He had revealed to Pastor Prince. So, tell her not to waste time finding out herself. Haha...we spent almost the whole journey talking about Jesus that she got to sleep about near to Israel. I was so energiser by the preaching that I could not sleep for the whole journey there!!! Lord came through me many times to assured her. Praise the Lord!

While queuing for departure security check, Lord lead me to share with one lady that I have not talk much the whole trip. She is from NCC, so mainly to teach her to trust the Lord for delivery and teach her to use Lord's hand and plea the blood of Jesus. Lord get her to come seeking us after check-in that we shared about trusting Jesus and Lord lead on to share about how pride lead a lady whom Lord originally raising as Pastor but due to her pride, Lord said this lady is not usable. This lady felt Lord has talked to her and wondered if Lord will forgive her. We were surprised by her and told her that yes, Lord readily forgive and come back. Praise the Lord!

I thought my sharing should have ended since leaving Israel, but Lord get me to tell the 70+ yrs old lady that is sitting next to me about there is no more sin. Her church is still talking about various sin. Lord told her when Jesus died 2000 yrs ago, whatever sin she had is future sin. As such, if Jesus can clear part of her sin, all her sin is on the cross of Jesus and His blood has washed her cleaned. She believed and wanted to bring her friend who is suffering cancer to NCC. Praise the Lord!

Overall, I found that people who are seeking or who don't know about Grace easier to lead. Those who think they know about Grace and yet is not trusting the Lord as they should is the hardest to lead. Which group of people do you belongs to?

I have actually no intention to post this but Lord impressed me a few times. Maybe there are people He wants to lead close. I pray that your heart remain open to receive all that Lord Jesus wants to talk into you. I pray in Jesus Name! Amen & Amen!