When I went to YouTube or blog and saw someone talked about Pastor Prince didn’t preach the bible, I always went to what they quoted and read the whole chapter of the verse they quoted.
In the end, I realise that those who preached against Pastor Prince, are the one that read the bible wrongly.
They cannot see clearly that the law is fulfilled and now we are to look to Jesus and be transformed by HIM.
Those who like to put focus on themselves always quote Grace lead them to SIN.
If your eyes are onto Jesus day in day out, how are you to sin? You will be daily appreciating what Jesus at The Cross has done for you. You will be so thankful to Him.
The fact that you looked away from Jesus and into your lustful sin and blame it on Pastor Prince did not preach the law to lock you; I am amazed.
You are one that look away from Jesus into your lustful sin, how to blame the Grace of God, whom is Jesus Himself? I am speechless.
Pastor Prince does preach whoever the Lord loves, He corrects too. You may gone through something that you realise this area of you are wrong and thank Jesus that His Work at the cross is Greater and you come back to Him again.
If your eyes are on Jesus, whose Father is God Almighty, will your eyes on your parents and siblings or family? Even they are part of your life, but your eye see them through the Eyes of Jesus. You look at them with His Grace.
If you involve Jesus in every part of your life, Pastor Prince has done his job; pointing you to Jesus.
If you have not done so, who to blame? Of course yourself not Pastor Prince.