Monday, December 22, 2014

Wife vs Sex Professional

Yesterday while eating my lunch, it was peaceful originally. Then half way through, it's like a team of people was being set up to watch me eat.

Right in front of me, was a man with his legs spread widely opened. Why would a man with a sound mind did that to a stranger me is out right obscene!!! I quickly finished my meal and went off.

Long time ago, while I was still staying at ex place, there was once the train officer did that to me too.  I was in my nap and as I woke up upon destination, when I opened my eyes, there was he doing the offensive act!!!

I might talk about service to man but what I am referring to is within a marriage relationship and not any Tom, Dav and Henry!!!

Why my thought was formulated so?

When I was growing up, I read the 'Agony Aunty' columns and I understand some men goes after other girls or sex professional for their services and the marriage suffered!!!

I also understand wife is not the same as them.

I also understand from Mark Gungor that if not for sex, man won't even come into a marriage!!! True, there are people that could provide clean a house or even cooked food.

Also from him, I learned that man are sexually active all the way into old age. Their needs only decline in sicknesses but once over, they are as good as young in their need!!! That's why old man still go looking even though they have a wife at home!!!

So practically, if a wife still rejects the husband, why have her around just to tolerate her emotional displeasure?! Hehe, talking from a man perspective!!!!

Man could go for mistress too!!!

So, as a female and would be marry one day, I did hope I am able to provide so that my man stay with me!!!

And who best to learn from except those service provider???

So I went to Sammyboy and other similar sites to learn what they did with the man!!!

I hope to gather as much knowledge so that my man benefit and remain with me and love me!!! It just a simple thought of keeping my man happy!!!

Of course now, I learn that no matter what a wife did, there are those that likes to taste wild meat!!! I won't want to end with one, I prayed!!!

Otherwise, in a healthy relationionship, God the Father let His Kids enjoy His Love and the greatest joy is to come together as one in loving of each other!!!

I learn as much as I could as I want a healthy love relationship and that include a healthy sexual life with the one I love too!!!

I still believe that if he is happy, he will love me.

Yesterday church asked us to hug each other and I saw a couple in front of me that felt awkward hugging each other and they didn't in the end. The mother was friendlier to her daughter than her man!!! It is a sad stage of marriage to see couple distant from each other!!!

For me and ex, he still hugged me during divorce to calm me down from the high emotional event. His heart might be elsewhere but that hug did calm me down.

But yesterday hugging with a stranger lady that sat beside me is kind of weird as there wasn't any emotion involved.

I am just mould in such a way and with interest in human relationships with man and with God!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

PS: If a lady, not keen at all about who her man is and what is his needs and how to satisfy each other, why go into a marriage expecting to be pampered but care nothing about the dearest that is pampering you? It goes both ways!!!

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