Sunday, December 7, 2014

Thinking Aloud - Renewal

I was just complaining on this blog about how my ex did't appreciate me and what Lord promised to do on me that he disbelieved and went out to find younger women.

I didn't know that when he disbelieved and didn't even bother, it would capture another man's heart!!! Strong enough to do something about it!!!

Guess one man's poison is another man delicacy!!!

Through that spirit that talked to me, girls that were supplied in abundance to ex was from him!!! I guess there was a certain percentage of its truth as ex was supplied with so many that I was tired of praying delivance and gave up on him!!!

According to Lord, he saw the crack and took advantage of it!!!

What would I say?

In a way, I am glad to be out of that union. It's when I am out that I could see clearer than ever!!! It was a mismatch anyway!!!

In a way, it was a favour from him to his advantage eventually!!! He hoped so, I guess!!! But it was the Lord advice that I would take!!!

I'm kind of disappointed in that I believe characters should be the thing to look for but Lord said all men are eyeballs King!!! So no choice, I guess!!'

I don't know what kind of life had he been through that he thinks this married before woman is a lot better than those single and young!!! He rather wait for my renewal!!! Isn't this amazing!!!

I guess, he must have believed in Abraham's wife, Sarah's renewal that at 65 and 90, 2 Kings were attracted to her!!!

To let 2 kings forgot their queens and their kingdoms of girls, it must be quite a stunning renewal!!!

And this is happening to me!!! He rather awaits for the renewal even though I married before!!!

What Great Faith he has in this renewal!!! And he don't even bother he is getting old in the process!!!

In a way, I do admire his Great Faith in this Sarah's renewal!!! But at the same time, I rather he chooses me because of personality!!!

But whatever it is, Lord's healing through me is about renewal of youth too, so no problem about he getting old as he will be renewed to be young again if he really is a Christian in my church!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

At this point, I am not saying that the priority will be given to him!!! I am just saying, let's see!!!

Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

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