Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Lord is With Me

At this point in time, I am like Christ, hanging on the Cross.

Heaven says cannot die, Earth says please die!

Siblings dare not open door to me, friends dare not talk the truth to me!

Asked ex if after restoration, will he consider me, he replied, 'No, Move On!'

The spiritual voice that was checking on me make sure that whomever men I am not supposed to have.

In the midst of all these I was put to sleep a few times this evening and yet to take dinner!!!

I am really like Christ, hanging in the midst of no where!!!

But God says look to Him, Lord Jesus had hung for me, He is holding my hand and whatever I believe and ask will be given.

Don't look to the world nor to self but to Him!!!

I left Nothing but Him!!!

In this emptiness, Lord wants me to put my trust on Him! To exercise my muscle of Faith. He said I just need a mustard seed Faith and He will do the rest!!!

This Christmas is special that it is in the middle of the week that church has 2 celebrations the Sunday before and the Sunday after!!!

And we are all stepping into the Year of Shemitah, where all situations are going to change!!! For Israel and for those against it!!!

I Know my Future is bright no matter how devil likes to show me otherwise!!!

I Know everything will turn around!!! My Emptiness will be filled and my aloneness will come to an end.

I Know the Plan of The Lord for me is good!!! And JESUS is my Aleph Tav!!!

And He speaks of Good Things and there is Nothing bad in Him!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

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