Thursday, October 2, 2014

A Dry Season

I was listening to Joyce Meyer preaching that in all seasons of our life, we must do the Right things all the Time as Lord is closer to us than anyone.

I am glad that she shared her 6 years of bible study that Lord trained her in His Faithfulness!!! Glory Glory!!!

It was an impression from The Lord and a Desire from Him that Lord wanted her to quit her job that shared half the household burden that she had to faithfully give up to trust The Lord!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

I was told to do my bible study too!!! But as I don't have anyone to reference, I only have The Lord to go for!!! I was not working at that time so household income was not my issue but the marriage was!!!

Walking 7+ years in this calling and if include I started believing Him, then it's already 8+ years!!!

I am still patiently waiting for His Manifestation.

And with my sister getting the Grant of Probate, Lord do need to bless me a home to move to before my Grace of staying at my mum place runs out!!!

Yes, it's my dry season and I am looking to Lord and His Platform for me!!! I didn't know He opened such a Big Platform for me that this is what He is preparing for me!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

So He is leading me through more training!!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

I still have to sit still and be of fellowship with Him!!!

Surely His Day of Manifestation will come one Day and I hope it won't be long!!!!

I yet to think where should I shift but before time turn into crisis, I do hope His Grace is Enough and His Strength make Perfect in my weakness!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

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