Monday, December 16, 2013

The Called Upon

If one read the book of Jonah, one would realise if Lord really called upon you, there is no way to reject Him at all!!! This post I am going to write about how I was being called.

In the start of the journey, Lord blessed me with a black leather bible and this is His first indication for me to walk with Him. As I listened to Ps Prince sermon, I heard about reading the book of Psalm but I didn't start reading. So, Lord got Prince to preach about it again. But I still didn't read. Finally, He sent 2 angels to my care group and highlighted Psalm 47 to me.

He even get an Anglican Christian to buy a flowery and with purple wording study bible, for me to begin the journey with Him. As there were other distraction in my life, Lord shut the door to all of them so that I could concentrate on Him.

He allows virus to come upon my computer but ex was able to restore my computer within a day. He then sent another virus through my previous care leader wife a virtual Christmas card that carried a zero sector virus that completely shut down my computer fully.

As I was busy going to church, He also shut down the bible study so that I could calm down to fellowship with Him.

When all the doors of temptation was shut, I have no choice but to obey Him and start my journey with The Word. Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

Day and night, I finished reading the bible and meditated every verse in it. In the midst of all these reading, He also send people for me to minister to. Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

He had opened door for me to be tested by the devil, many many times more. All these was to see my faithfulness in Him. He leads me through many that I could not count anymore as there were too many to count.

At each stage of the test, when I went through it and clear it, another new level of test came. This goes on and on till today and it's yet to end. I know the time is near and I shall not be bother by it for once the test is over, Lord will surely shut the door for me. Hallelujah!!! Amen Amen!!!

All is His Grace, I just flow with Him. There is no glory in me and all Grace is from Him. Surely, the day of Glory will be here and even when I am glorified, it's still no glory to me, but He who is coming in me and thru me!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!!

Till this day, I could not know why I am chosen. I am just glad that He is with me. Without Him, how shall I live? With Him, I have abundance of life!!! Glory Glory!!! Amen Amen!!! Surely, I am glad and I am happy. Hallelujah!!! Amen Amen!!!

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